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Whitewater Horn

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Everything posted by Whitewater Horn

  1. First Neil, now this RIP Eddie - guitar hero, legend, and innovator Fuck Cancer Fuck 2020
  2. I wish my “messing up in a couple of places” sounded like Eric Johnson’s messing up in a couple places.
  3. I thought about posting this yesterday, but wasn’t sure if anyone else watched that channel. You’re right, it’s an interesting idea, but the whole thing really was just waiting to see how EJ would interpret that space. He is still amazing. He makes it look and sound almost effortless.
  4. Can I raise a practical question at this point. Are they gonna do Stonehenge?
  5. No kidding. I wasn’t buying his supposed enthusiasm to focus on the Giro after being left off the Tour squad. Another weird crash knocks him out of contention.
  6. Pretty surprising gaffe for a pro like Alaphilippe. Not only pipped at the line by a hard charging Roglic, he was also relegated in the sprint. Watching that live I couldn’t believe when he sat up. Hope we see see some action on the way up Etna later.
  7. I thought it was going to blow Rohan off the road earlier. Really twitchy out there. That Lopez crash was quick and bizarre, but shit can get out of hand in the blink of an eye on a TT bike.
  8. Yeah, sure. That has all the contrition of a Lance Armstrong explanation of the treatment of his doping accusers and critics.
  9. Anyone have suggestions for watching the Giro? I think I can access live feed using my VPN and it looks like there is coverage for US and Canada on Flobikes.
  10. I’m really enjoying Ratched so far and keeping seeing references to AHS. I know that show is well established, but it never made it into my rotation. Sounds like something I might like diving into. What’s the verdict on AHS? I’m guessing with so many seasons it must be worth giving a shot.
  11. Man, everyone knew he was going to try that and he timed and executed with perfection. Bravo Loulou, well deserved.
  12. Ha, the Shark got some tv time, there. If Nibali is old, then Valverde is eternal.
  13. Tadej said the other day that it would a fairly tale ending for Slovenian cycling if Roglic won the worlds after he won the Tour. This move may be forcing the Belgians to work harder so he can set up Roclic later. Or he could use those fresh red blood cells, I mean elite time trial ability to possibly stay away. At least it’s getting interesting now.
  14. Okay, it’s been more than 10 minutes. Where’s the defense?
  15. Sam still the most effective runner on the offense. Hope that changes
  16. Tech made that look easy. This isn’t UTEP, fellas. You’re gonna have to tackle
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