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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. Yea I figured something happened with the numbers when that recruit delayed his commitment on Friday. Getting LJ and CJ back next season with Sam is going to be nasty. Jake Smith in the slot as well should be very nice. Going to have depth galore next season if this happens.
  2. CowboyFred


    not one mention from anyone really outside of this thread.
  3. CowboyFred


    Says the lonely cat dude...enjoy your lonely thanksgiving you fucking pussy.
  4. CowboyFred


    Actually a lot of "competent" attorneys take these cases pro bono here in South Texas and even throw in law students from the area to assist (we do this here at St. Mary's). edit: its funny because I literally picture Chrispy's avatar as looking exactly like the guy everybody is arguing with and what/how he looks in real life. proceed gentlemen.
  5. 90% on this forum are Hugo socks. I thought they were all Hitby socks?
  6. CowboyFred


    they are following orders from the commander in chief that has them "babysitting" the border. I agree that their job is to technically follow the order of cheeto in chief and protect our country from enemies but this ain't it fam. I'm from Laredo and walked across the bridge the last time I came back from Monterrey (less than a month ago). there is no shortage of CBP officers. the military can help organize the passage and asylum process, but you're being ignorant if you believe they weren't sent for theatrics. the correct way to seek asylum is to present yourself at a port of entry (which is what they're doing/going to do) and the process begins. As to the migrants now being in Mexico and therefore their asylum now being invalid because they are "safe" in Mexico is moot. The statute allows for a foreign national to present themselves at our border and we ultimately decide if their reasons for seeking asylum in the US have merit. We have a specific budget for this shit (which by the way this little stunt with sending the military has exceeded or is coming close to that total amount allotted). We have done this for years but only now in recent years all of a sudden everybody is freaking out. It is not assumed you dipshit, it is requested. like stated above we have a protocol already set out for this and will handle it accordingly. There are camps already in place in Laredo (one is on Saunders/Loop 20 if you find a map) where they are taken while this processes. if you think the CBP are incapable of handling it thats a completely separate issue and is on the gov't. to fix.
  7. this is where I'm at. I agree that Acosta's grandstanding and instigating when asking questions but that is not the issue/reason he lost his credentials. If Trump is tired of him just don't turn to him and choose one of the other reporters in the room.
  8. Thanks I was genuinely curious. I’m of the same opinion she comes to grips with that her position she should be disconnected from the political circus. in all honesty, I hope Kav does the same.
  9. That was a pretty game. I thought after Ronaldo's goal (fantastic by the way) was the dagger and it was going to finish 2-0 or 3-1. Mata's free kick was great.
  10. Link to personal opinions not having to do with her interpretations of the constitution? Or are you alluding to her revealing her personal opinions the way Kav did during his questioning/confirmations hearings attacking a particular party?
  11. I could see Beto being the Democratic nominee if not at least the VP. Bernie is too old and would be dumb to trot him out again. Same age argument with Biden. Kamala Harris doesn't do much for me...yes she is very vocal but don't think she's cut for the job. I wonder if Newsom out of California starts to get some push to jump in the ring. He and Beto could make a formidable pair.
  12. you mean when Cruz actually shows up to work
  13. does seem a little early to be called but god damnit man. Cruz is a piece of shit
  14. god damnit I have work to get done here!!! VAMOS BETO!!!!
  15. How’s about you go fuck yourself next time you want to ask a question. “Stump” people that are trying to give you a simple answer fuck outta here
  16. That is a pretty good comparison. If he can stay healthier than Brown and from the looks of it he SHOULD be playing behind a better OLine than Brown had, he can be really good for us. If I remember correctly Brown rarely went down upon first contact. Brown’s balance on his touchdown this Sunday was a thing of beauty.
  17. Fuck the time, defense just needs to step up no other way around it...put up or shut up time
  18. Is it me or is Vahe always standing around on a run play while his guy makes the tackle? Notice him after the play standing there with no WV player near by
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