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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. why silly? they are all playing in the same type of 3-4 defensive scheme and are tearing it up this season even if it isn't really showing up on the stat line. I'm not saying, or ever said, that Omenihu is playing all world, but I am saying that he is having a solid season even though his stats might not show it. And I didn't bring Hager into this discussion so not sure why you did. ok now I'm done discussing this topic with you.
  2. lol at Watt not being a DE...my discussion will stop there with you. kthnxbai
  3. only ranked team playing at 7 (ND plays Navy but they're on CBS) / aggy plays miss. state at 6 on ESPN. so I'm guessing not much out there.
  4. on pretty much every time they run to Omenihu's side he gets double teamed or at least chipped by a second blocker before that blocker moves to the second level so he's not always matched up 1 on 1. And as Joey Graves pointed out JJ Watt is at 19/6/7. You don't see it on the stat line but it can easily be seen the disruption being caused.
  5. 17 solo tackles / 8 assists / 4 sacks 16 solo tackles / 5 assists / 6 sacks Top stat line is Aaron Donald and bottom is Charles this season...defensive line does not always need to show up on the stats to show they’re doing a good job/their job. We’re usually based out of 3 down linemen and maybe have a backer or DB blitz. It’s kinda hard to rack up the sacks/tackles every play like that. also in no way comparing Omenihu to Donald (not even on same level or close) just using it as comparison that the damage they cause doesn’t always show up in the stat line.
  6. Well then sit down you pussy bitch. Not one person has said same level that I’ve seen. “Leal’s senior tape is meh for a 5star” “Sweat’s senior tape looks a little better than Leal’s” does not equal “same level”. Simple observation. Also no one is saying that they wouldn’t take Leal. This all started because they said his HUDL so far this season is very meh (which it is).
  7. There could be grounds for a civil action because that assault is outside the conduct to be expected in the game. Not sure about actual criminal charges, I'm guessing that would be up to the school district to initiate because it occurred at a school sanctioned event on school property.
  8. damn sucks that Greta Van Fleet are not playing weekend 2 they fucking rocked it. Paul was badass and certainly an experience. Residente on Saturday is a good show too although its in Spanish but they still jam. Metallica was awesome as well. For me seeing Paul and Metallica was worth the price of admission. As far as security goes: was half-assedly patted down on both days. First day the lady patting down literally just ran a ruler around my stomach area and waist. Security was definitely not as strict as last year. Took plenty of joints with me and my dab pen. Twas a good time.
  9. lol dotard literally calls them the "radical left" https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/sep/21/trump-kavanaugh-under-assault-radical-left/
  10. stupid thread is stupid / regarded op is regarded
  11. lol Hamm blocked me a few years ago for calling him out on being wrong about a recruit (color me surprised) but it was weird I didn't even say anything remotely insulting just that he was wrong per usual.
  12. how is that new tax plan working out for our deficit?
  13. 1234 Everybody thought "no way dotard wins" but here we are...
  14. you guys got room for one more? I'll pick up some fajitas on the way.
  15. lol nope. Conservative majority on the SC for the foreseeable future. No way he gets impeached after getting confirmed. Bullshit investigation. I'm all for due process but at least let the fucking process take place.
  16. I only pos repped because TexPete’s uppity ass negged but honestly didn’t think it was racist either. I guess that makes sense for the school to be in charge of the proceeds to be paid out. Good on the NCAA for now completely fucking this up.
  17. Popular with pussies? I don’t get you. Soccer is literally the most popular sport in the world. That you don’t understand it or it’s not for you is something totally different than “being popular with pussies”. You are literally the definition of an “internet tough guy.” All this talk behind a keyboard. I remember always dogging Wylie and his strength training (although I’ll admit the results weren’t there) and I can guarantee he’d wipe the floor with you. I guess being dubbed an “internet badass” is something you strive for...congrats?
  18. Agree with Hayden. Also agree with this post in as much as you are advocating for people to vote for whom ever they want. A lot of people in my group of friends (aside from the knuckle draggers who pretty much just go by what their family/friends/co-workers tell them) usually don't go straight democrat or republican. I guess you can consider me a democrat but I don't always agree with a lot of what they say. Same with republicans, mainly because some of them are whack (dems too). I was for Bernie all though I wasn't in complete agreement of his "the government will pay for everything" because I know it isn't and won't be a sustainable model, but in my mind he at least he was getting the ball rolling in the right direction with regards to education and healthcare costs. Can tell you right now, if it would've been Hilary vs. Kasich, I would have voted for Kasich. I only voted for Hilary because of the alternative. Kanye is doing Kayne because it generates clicks and thats all he cares about. He's a narcissist that wants the spotlight on himself especially with him supposedly dropping new music. I've grown tired of his schtick and him personally. As a musician, I'm a fan but as a person he's someone I wouldn't care to have a conversation with.
  19. I've gotta say not bad for UTSA not being dead last. They've been around for less than 10 years and here in sa the population is taking a liking to them. Also helps that some of their players make it pro (Davenport with the Saints and Morgan with the Vikings are two that come to mind). IMO they should be competing for conference titles pretty soon that will only add to the buzz around them.
  20. NoName is pretty good one at 245
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