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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. OP drinking heavily and unemployed again? You’re such a pussy and should’ve stayed on the old site.
  2. That would make perfect sense. It’s just a shitty situation all around.
  3. Oh I completely get you. Mine was a business building so not sure how the apartment complex would monitor it. I’m guessing like someone mentioned up thread about keeping track of maintenance entering different units.
  4. Not really big brother type but more a security thing. The bank I used to work at I was tasked with creating the key fobs for entering the building during “non-business hours”. If something turns up missing, it is easy to figure out who entered the building and when. Then each tenant was free to question their own employee as to the reason for entering or if they took whatever was missing (not insinuating theft or anything but sometime they would move a file or something).
  5. lol he isn't going anywhere for at least 2 more years.
  6. Damn can’t believe it’s been that long. Still remember it like it was yesterday. Thanks to all first responders
  7. yup. Saban was a complete douchenozzle to that reporter and nobody gives a shit because he wins. Tom wins and nobody cares if he's an asshole.
  8. Fuck Mack Brown he ruined his legacy by being a petulant little bitch on his way out
  9. Am I a shitty human being for laughing at this?
  10. The cut of your jib...I’m a fan.
  11. Maybe we needed the 1st quarter to get going and now play some football...or not
  12. From the comfort of my throne (toilet) after a 5 hour nap in San Antonio FIGHT!!!
  13. lol 3 points in the first 3 games and now they're going to finish outside the top 4...okay
  14. damn should've just added #nocloakroom...or just left out the liberal part and called her a dumbass
  15. So your sister is a liberal and a dumbass...not surprised.
  16. Shouldn’t be long now... team playing like absolute trash
  17. I feel that our defense is going to come out hyped against Maryland. Nothing really against Malik and the early draft guys, but I like seeing guys like Roach and Hager leading the defense. Charles O is also having a monster offseason from the looks of it and should be terror on the edge. GJ is going to be key to the defense. Honestly not too worried about the secondary, and I'm excited to see Sterns back there with Brandon Jones...athletic as fuck. I think the offense needs to get the run game going against Maryland. It will lead to opening up the middle for LJH and the deep routes for Johnson. I'm a lot more excited for this season than I've been in a while, but I am also cautiously optimistic based on past results. This team just needs to not crumble when one thing goes wrong and we'll be fine.
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