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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. Can’t wait for Wheeler to graduate and/or Dele getting some reps soon
  2. Completely agree on the freshman part just noticing the level of play dropping
  3. Looking like Sterns let all that “All-American” get to his head...he’s playing like shit last 2 weeks
  4. No linebackers to speak with the exception of GJ and starting true freshmen in the secondary that usually play with minimal mistakes but they happen. Sterns has made more good plays than bad soooo
  5. Yea Sterns has to know he’s the last man to beat...god damnit
  6. Man these announcers are sucking major aggy dick ”this defense has just been getting better and better” after those fools made fitzgerald look like a heisman qb
  7. not to worry my friend QB commit Calzada who went 3-22 for 32 yards and 4 ints. last week will be along and ready to go next season.
  8. CowboyFred


    My brother works at a bank here in San Antonio where most of the employees are white conservatives. They used to only have Fox News playing in the lobby/break room until recently but some are still loyal to them. Well one of the international officers (handles clients coming from Mexico) went to Monterrey for business. Well one of the supposed "Fox News is the only reliable news source" loan officers asked him when he got back if he "saw the caravan" or if he "ran into them". She is the exactly the type of people that FoxNews thrives off of and still back Trump until the death. SAD
  9. Kanye saw his "act" was costing him money. Shoe sales were shit compared to previous releases. He's got a new album about to drop soon. He saw that his money was being affected so he changed his tune. most saw right through his act as a publicity stunt that didn't go the way he wanted. fuck him
  10. lol he is so out of touch with reality I'm often left speechless For starters, the church shooting was a white man shooting up a black congregation...
  11. Welcome aboard. I've been a fan since around the mid-90s because they're my dad's favorite team so grew up watching them. It feels good to at least see the coaching/front office give a shit. even though it took me a while to come around on hating Fisher, man did he set us back a bit. Excited for what the future holds. I'd also like my dad to be able to see them win another one.
  12. this pleases me greatly. big signing and now hopefully we can generate more pass rush from the outside.
  13. lulz you are a sad old man as to the topic of the thread - this was long overdue
  14. lulz you are a sad old man as to the topic of the thread - this was long overdue
  15. clicked on this thread seeing it had more than a page since I last saw it...
  16. Our linebacker got brought down the same exact way Beck brought the defender down on the last drive and no call that’s horseshit
  17. finally that half is over Herman better fucking tear into these pussies for coming out so fucking flat
  18. Boyce needs to sit the fuck down on the bench he’s not ready at all lol we’re fucking toast
  19. Is this a new shhh, about the outstanding shhh that is supposedly going to announce tomorrow, or just about the 2019 class in general? [tweet]http://twitter.com/BCarringtonUT/status/1055434355781328896[/tweet]
  20. Traveled through Nuevo Laredo and crossed the bridge walking last night to Laredo. It was the first time I had seen Customs officers at the split between the two countries allow a few of the people seeking asylum to come through. These people literally lay there in the cold (it was also raining) under blankets in hopes of being allowed the opportunity. Their faces lit up when they were told they were able to step forward for inspection before being allowed to cross. Surrendering yourself like this and not crossing illegally is something I don't really have a problem with. Also none of them appeared to be ISIS but I did not ask to verify. (it was two ladies in their 60s, a mother I assume because there was a little girl probably around 9-12 years old.) Kind of a sad situation and helps me appreciate all I have here even though most of the time I complain that it isn't enough.
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