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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SquishMitten

  1. I sure hope everyone involved in prosecuting these cases is involved in widespread conduct. Certainly not something you'd want them being lazy with.
  2. Would you be at all surprised if they do a big recruiting push for “soldiers who want to take revenge against ISIS for this terrorist attack” and then just send all those guys to Ukraine instead?
  3. Maybe I’m wrong, but if you’ve got ISIS out there taking credit for the attack, then Russia and all of its mouthpieces are saying stuff like “nah, it wasn’t them. They’re too weak. They’ve already been destroyed. Etc etc” I can only imagine that would embolden ISIS to attack again as soon as they can. Also, this wasn’t a sophisticated attack so it doesn’t take a massive organization to pull it off.
  4. Saw that, and my first thought was: “well, hasn’t everybody been predicting a really nasty false flag operation either right before or right after the election to justify a huge mobilization?”
  5. There were so many times that could've ended poorly. Burning her tits was like the best possible outcome. First, when she pulls out the gun, she appears to briefly point it at her face. Second, and what I thought the video was going to be, her grip looks to be such that she could easy shoot her own finger off. Third, she blows on the barrel while pointing the gun in her own face. Then, after she burns her tits, she again points the gun at her own face. Although that last time looks like she realized it and quickly pointed it away.
  6. Well duh. Everything he has will have tons of liens on it. That's why he can't get any more loans. He ain't got no equity.
  7. Expediting it is a positive thing imo. It puts the issue to bed as fast as possible, and it allows the prosecution to proceed. The sooner it's put to rest, the sooner the crazies stop whinging about it.
  8. That’s where you put them when you don’t want anybody to look at em. And sometimes that’s helpful.
  9. If I ever wrestle a mighty beast such as that and come out on top, you better gotdamn well take a picture
  10. you know what else apocalyptic environments are bad for? Providing electricity along a convenient network to charge your rust bucket.
  11. JFC. Every time this thread gets bumped it’s just you thirsty virgins pining after Nicole. I’m kinda surprised jerseyman doesn’t post here every day to enhance his spank bank
  12. Well, it’s not entirely false. The projected risk was excessive.
  13. Yeah, that seems like a bad take. At some point, and we’re probably already there if not super close, the B1G and SEC adding more teams starts to devalue the current conference members. What other teams out there would add enough to a contract that every member would get more money than they do now? There’s not many.
  14. There’s is no contradiction between saying: a) we don’t know what X is, and b) we have no proof of extraterrestrial visitors
  15. Not going to address all of PTINS longcat, and I don’t necessarily disagree with the general point, but in this specific case, the fact that they came out so quickly and publicly acknowledged that their facilities are at least partially to blame, is a pretty damn strong indicator that they (or one of their subs) fucked up bad.
  16. Bank photographer in that situation would imply he was sent there to take pictures of a property the bank was either a) just routinely monitoring the condition of their collateral, or b) getting close to foreclosing on. I’ve had lots of my guys threatened when doing that, but no fights I’m aware of.
  17. Second the tomahawk idea. Also, dick towel, tequila gun, and of course, egg
  18. They didn't steal the train. They robbed the passengers.
  19. No taxes for the city or Austin CC. They already have their own utility district, and I think they'd pick up an emergency service district tax. So, a million dollar house would have paid ~$4k less in taxes last year.
  20. Down on Super Tuesday, huh? And Nikki Haley is spending way more money on digital marketing than Trump. Read somewhere this morning that she was specifically spending a bunch on social media today. P.S. - No CR P.P.S - *Removes tinfoil hat
  21. Fair. Like the rest of everyone here, I too am the same weight I was at 18
  22. That's how my kids sell lemonade. 1 for $1, or 2 for $3. When I told them they had it wrong, they told me their justification. Since almost everybody buys 2 at a time anyway, they based their pricing on consumer behavior.
  23. Windy Deuce?!? And here I was thinking there couldn’t be a more apt name for a wildfire than Smokehouse Creek.
  24. ^^ That’s fucking wild. How can something like that ever be contained?
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