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Auto Driller

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Everything posted by Auto Driller

  1. This right here. I voted for option 3 but only because it was closest to what I think makes sense. Provide lethal and non-lethal aid, training, and intelligence support. No boots on the ground or planes in the sky.
  2. Considering that the Russian Air Force seems to be struggling to contain Ukraine’s fliers, I’m pretty sure we’d establish air superiority in 24 hours or less.
  3. Is this the military equivalent of “better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt” for Putin?
  4. If the press conference he held prior to the invasion is any indication, everyone in his inner circle is terrified to tell him anything he doesn’t want to hear. His generals may have known that this would go poorly but didn’t want to be sent to the gulag.
  5. I can’t imagine that this is going according to plan for Putin.
  6. I thought the conventional wisdom was that you need a 2-3x numerical advantage to overtake an entrenched defending enemy. 190k troops to overrun a country of 45 million seems low, no? And as others have said, the Ukrainians almost certainly have a huge advantage in motivation. Russia most likely prevails eventually, but there’s no way the plan was to fumble around and get your air assets and armor destroyed for the first 24 hours, THEN unleash the real assault.
  7. Is there any chance that the Poles take an active role in holding the western line? You have to think that they won’t feel comfortable watching the Russians role up on their border. Interesting because this brings NATO into play.
  8. So he has no allies in this effort at all, right? Belarus doesn’t count. And China is more likely to take advantage of his weakness than anything else.
  9. So Putin considers NATO presence on his borders an existential threat. His solution is to forcibly annex a neutral country, thereby placing NATO on his border? This guy just seems like an asshole. I hope the Ukrainians are ready to fight and that we are ready to support them.
  10. Russian citizens are not cut off from outside information sources though, right? Do they actually believe Kremlin propaganda or are they just conditioned to accept it, lest they end up in a gulag?
  11. Would it be cheaper if we just arrested people with chest tattoo extending to the neck on sight? Waiting for them to actually commit a crime might be a waste of time.
  12. Honestly, why does Putin even waste time with these weak ass propaganda efforts?
  13. I’m sure these civilians are thrilled about their “evacuation”, AKA the seizure of their property and forced relocation to refugee camps. I guess I understand why we aren’t going to send troops into Ukraine to prevent it but it’s pretty frustrating to see Europe kicking off another world war. Germany, France, etc. not taking the lead here is pretty weak.
  14. So the next move is that “Ukraine” bombs the “fleeing civilians” and Russia moves in to “protect” them?
  15. Such a coincidence that Ukraine is gonna attack at just the moment Moscow has massed an invasion force on their borders! Right place, right time for the Russians I guess!
  16. I am dumbfounded every time I see this picture.
  17. Car sales incur state tax. Therefore, a paper plate should never exist without a corresponding tax transaction. In order to generate a temporary paper plate, you need a tax confirmation generated when the payment is made to the state. My consulting fee is negotiable.
  18. He can look forward to dividing his assets into two piles and getting to keep one.
  19. How do you think that first conversation with the AD went? Harsin: I need another 150k in the budget. I want an assistant HC. AD: Good idea. What are you thinking? Maybe a HC with a winning track record in D2? Or a position coach from a recruiting hotbed state? Harsin: uh….I’m actually thinking of taking this in a slightly different direction. She was a, um, cheerleader back at Boise State. AD: how does this qualify for a position on a high profile college football coaching staff? Harsin: well most recently she was an intern hosting recruits during their on campus visits. AD: …… …….. Don’t fuck this up.
  20. But they paid McKinsey $772,900 for focus groups and market research. Clearly Chase doesn’t understand marketing.
  21. For Flores sake, I hope he has some evidence other than the texts from Bill.
  22. XP are 33 yards. LOS is the 15. The issue with analytics is that they are true **assuming** a very large sample set. The outcome your one shot at the goal line is not driven by the 40 year data set on which the statistics are based. More importantly, the analytics tell you what to do in that situation in isolation. I.e. the expected points for going for 2 there were 1.01 vs 0.99 for XP, so go for it right? No. You can’t possibly predict the effect that the missed conversion will have on subsequent game situations (or the make, for that matter). Tennessee almost certainly wins the game by taking the XP in this game, and no analytics will ever be able to comprehend this level of complexity.
  23. Had Tennessee taken the XP to start the game they would have been running the ball to kill the clock on that final drive and Tannehill never would have had a chance to turn it over. These coaches really overthink things.
  24. Bet the Titans would love to have that XP from earlier. …..but but ANALYTICS!
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