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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. The 2nd showed up and voted, also casting a Dem ballot.
  2. Slow day at the polls in HILL 2-D-01. We’ve had just over 240 voters total. I’m working the paper/provisional ballot table and finally had my first and only voter (so far) shortly before 3:30. She was a 17-year-old voting for the first time. She cast a Dem ballot. She’s one of only two 17-YO voters on our list, both female. Need the young women to turn out and defend their rights.
  3. Putin and MBS (and Kim) know how to manipulate Trump with flattery and feeding his massive, fragile ego. Putin wants Ukraine and he already owns Trump. If Trump is elected, he’ll cut off aid to Ukraine and hand them over to Russia. If Putin bails him out trhough some back-channel means (no doubt aided by Manafort’s connections with Russian intelligence), the payback is already baked in. Nobody is expecting Trump to pay them back in cash. I’m not saying that Trump will get bailed out by the Saudis. But the fact that it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t. It would have to be something that’s not easily traceable. And it wouldn’t be like a loan with a contract and terms for repayment. In fact they wouldn’t ask for repayment. They’d tell Trump how unfairly he was being treated and they just couldn’t stand seeing the injustice being done to such a great and powerful leader who did nothing wrong.
  4. If that were true, shouldn’t at least one of her questionable decisions serve to benefit the prosecution’s effort to see this trial to a speedy conclusion and not help Trump delay and muddy up the process? Just one?
  5. Probably paying him back for sharing classified U.S. intelligence with MBS about other members of the Saudi Royal family which assisted him in his purge. Probably also for Jared’s help running interference for him after he had his goons butcher Jamal Khashoggi.
  6. They couldn’t share video at the time but that’s a lot like how protestors used Twitter during the Arab Spring.
  7. Jfc, Pence is on Face the Nation again. I swear this guy gets more free air time on the Sunday morning talk shows than anyone else. (On This Week they led with Mike Turner - (R) Ohio, and on Meet the Press they’re leading with Bill Cassidy - (R) Louisiana; this is what they call the “liberal media.”) ”I’m not establishing equivalency” says Sen. Cassidy as he equivocates. Lots of bullshit back and forth between the unqualified Welker and disingenuous Cassidy. Cassidy is full of shit. Despite his slippery attempts to avoid answering the question, he will endorse and vote for Donald Trump.
  8. We created dogs out of wolves who scavenged our ancient refuse dumps though, so we’ve got that going for us.
  9. Maybe Mother told him he wasn’t allowed to endorse Trump.
  10. If you’re a comedian, Trump’s good for business. He provides a shitload material.
  11. I’ll take that bet. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-adviser-peter-navarro-files-emergency-appeal-supreme/story?id=108167974
  12. I’m late to the party. Seth Meyers took issue with Congress horning in on his bit of the blithering idiot Trump montage. Unfortunately due to time restrictions neither of them could capture Trump’s entire catalog of dirt-fucking stupidity which grows larger by the day.
  13. I’m told that Brown has a lot more money than anyone else. He’s a good guy. The Republicans are all assholes. I can tell Dolan sucks but I’ve witnessed firsthand more suckitude from LaRose and Moreno. LaRose particularly, but he’s more of a MAGA convert. But then he’s also been in a position of power and has done real, significant damage. Moreno is just a genuine sleazebag. Any way you slice it, a loss for Brown will be a significant loss for Ohio. Hopefully he can hold on. Right now the political ads are about the things Brown has done for Ohio workers on one side, and on the other side they’re all about who can be the most Trumpy and protect Ohio from the situation at the border. (Dolan’s seem to be the most prevalent from what I’ve seen, which is probably anecdotal at best.)
  14. I’d be kind of surprised if someone hasn’t accused Schumer of that already. Has the ADL weighed in yet?
  15. I volunteer to keep his wife busy in the meantime.
  16. Idiot. Like he had a choice. ”The Packers, along with the rest of the league, wore helmet decals remembering the victims of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut” https://packersuniforms.blogspot.com/2012/12/remembering-sandy-hook.html
  17. I’m told it was the Southern District of New York.
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