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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. WhatTheBuck


    You couldn’t pay me to fuck Fitlump. I know that makes me in the minority around here.
  2. Trump’s team came up with a new witness who claims to have heard Fani Willis tell Terrence Bradley to keep quiet about what he knew about her affair? That sounds totally credible and reliable.
  3. No reasonable person thought it was.
  4. Yes. Absolutely. It’s totally appropriate. It’s my term, I invented it and I hope it catches on.
  5. Except maybe Netanyahu and his fellow Jewzis like National Security Adviser Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s counterpart to Michael Flynn, who are exploiting the atrocity of 10/7 to justify their ultimate goal of cleansing Israel (aka Palestine) of all Palestinians (or non-“Jews,” which begins with Palestinian Arabs but will eventually include Israeli Arabs and will ultimately include secular Jews who aren’t committed to the new far-right Judeo-fascist ideology and will be labeled “anti-Semitic” and eliminated). If history has taught us anything.
  6. I think the “Yawn” reply was a red herring.
  7. Right. And why did Putin put Navalny in prison and not just execute him by firing squad as soon as he was arrested? Why didn’t he do the same to Prigozhin after his failed coup attempt?
  8. WhatTheBuck


    I guess this can go here. 60 Minutes last night had a segment about book banning. In it Scott Pelley interviewed the founders of Moms for Liberty (minus the one who was forced out because she was having three-way sex with another woman). Scott Pelley did a good job calling them out for being evasive and not answering his questions, like what ideology they think school kids are being “indoctrinated” into and what exactly they’re afraid of. He pointed out that rather than answer his questions, they just kept returning to their talking points. (Including a shot of one of them literally checking her notes for which response to give.) It was pretty solid. I’m normally lukewarm on Pelley but credit where it’s due. He called them out for not addressing their own rhetoric. “Grooming does not seem like a word that you want to take on.” (That led to the note checking pictured above.) It’s worth a watch.
  9. Chuck Todd doesn’t seem so bad now, does he? There were a lot of reasons to be critical of Todd but was anyone pining for the return of David Gregory?
  10. What is the number where we decide that what Israel has done to the Palestinians in Gaza is worse than what Hamas did to the Israelis on Oct. 7?
  11. Lol. You really are one dumb motherfucker.
  12. Like when Trump and his dad were busted for it 50 years ago. http://www.nytimes.com/1973/10/16/archives/major-landlord-accused-of-antiblack-bias-in-city-us-accuses-major.html
  13. CBS Saturday Morning had a little piece recently on an American company that tried the 4-day work week with positive results. It’s not a deep dive or anything but here it is.
  14. I know I’m wasting my time responding to an obvious troll. But I’ve committed some crimes. I’ve been arrested. I even got busted with a fairly large quantity of marijuana, divided up into separate bags, IN NORTH CAROLINA. I spent no time in jail. I ultimately hired a lawyer I found on the internet to represent me and never even traveled back to NC to appear in court. I can’t recall if I wound up paying a fine or not. Probably. But I’m a middle class white guy. I’m well aware of the privilege I enjoy. I’m thankful for it. A black guy in the same circumstances wouldn’t be likely to get off so easily and there are mountains of statistics to demonstrate that. But that doesn’t matter to you. You probably know that. Of course you’re a fucking idiot if you’re not aware of that. But you’re a troll and it doesn’t matter if you’re faking being that dumb or if you really are that dumb. It’s the same either way. You’re not here to have a serious discussion so you should just be negged and ignored. So fuck off, troll. Go back to the kiddie table and stop interrupting the grownups.
  15. Hopefully all the Catholics on the Supreme Court realize that the Klan types pushing for American theocracy don’t look too kindly on their brand of Christianity.
  16. Let’s not forget this first crucial oversees trip of the Trump administration. Commentary: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/08/world/middleeast/saudi-mbs-jared-kushner.html
  17. James Comer, for starters. Andy Biggs too. What other Republicans are in the committee? Them too. It’s all a farce and they’re all spineless cowards who are just doing Trump’s bidding.
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