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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. They’re testing in-helmet comms in this game. They’re letting coaches communicate with players after the snap? That’s some bullshit. That’s a bad idea. I can’t believe they’re even testing that. Comms should be cut off on the snap at the latest. Maybe it’s a technical limitation right now, I don’t know. But that’s dumb.
  2. Do they give their Jewish employees Saturdays off so they can observe their sabbath?
  3. Hey, look! A stupid internet list! Let’s all go look at it and discuss how stupid it is! Suckers.
  4. That’s a big price for such a tiny bottle.
  5. Found these at the Mexican grocery. They’re pretty good. They’re a lot darker than I was expecting based on the packaging. They’re tangy like salt ‘n’ vinegar chips with a sweet chile pepper flavor. They’re not as puffed up as regular Doritos. They’re a little closer to normal tortilla chips. I’ll bet they’d be good for dipping guacamole.
  6. WhatTheBuck


    If it’s okay for a priest to bless them then it should be okay for a baker to bake them a cake, right?
  7. A lot of them will vote for him and not admit it. Some in reliable red states won’t vote, knowing he doesn’t need their vote to win. But they would never vote against him.
  8. Surrogate black people. They were BLM protesters. It didn’t matter if they weren’t black. They were black-ish. Sometimes I wonder if that’s why those on the right get so freaked out by BLM, because of the diversity of the protesters.
  9. I too wish Ron DeSantis would’ve died almost 2,000 years ago.
  10. From Robert Reich. Not sure where else to put this. Not sure there are many on this list who would take the threat seriously. It’s just typical b.s. from the GQP and few, if any, are likely to suffer for it. But one can hope since it will only take a few to fall in order for the Dems to retake the House. https://www.instagram.com/p/C0z9RiYvW2U/
  11. Holy crap UCLA got away with an egregious, blatant hold on the play just before that TD. That was a stunning non-call.
  12. ‘Bout tree-fiddy. And by that I mean he’d literally do it for $350.
  13. Nothing wrong with a three-way. I applaud that. It’s the hypocrisy that bothers me.
  14. We can’t know if Gore would’ve been successful in preventing 9/11. But he knew that Islamic terrorism was the greatest threat facing America and would’ve taken the threat seriously. Clinton warned Dubya but ol’ Georgie had a tax cut for the rich to think about. (And also a war with Iraq which was discussed at his very first cabinet meeting, long before 9/11). Bush defunded and defanged the office of the “Terrorism Czar” Richard Clarke (everyone should read his book Against All Enemies). Gore wouldn’t have done that. When he received a PDB titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US,” I feel confident Al would’ve done something, not nothing which was what George did. Nothing. Not a damn thing. And if Gore has been President and prevented the 9/11 attacks, he probably wouldn’t have gotten credit for it since no one could comprehend the magnitude of the attacks he’d prevented.
  15. I can’t reason you out of a position you weren’t reasoned into.
  16. I googled “Texas Supreme Court justices” yesterday expecting to see a bunch of white men. I was surprised to find that 1/3 of them are women. That’s disappointing.
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