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Everything posted by drifter379

  1. Not sure if it was just the clutch or the whole transmission. Will find out later today. Either way looks like I'm going to be stuck in Wichita, KS for a while.
  2. Love this series but how do they tie Kratos into Norse mythology? Not that it really matters because I'll be playing anyway.
  3. This window licker parked next to me. Asked him on the cb how the big ten was working out for him and gave him the hook 'em [emoji869] He flipped me off and turned his radio off. This is a decal on his sleeper.
  4. Could use a caption or label on some of these. I really like the candid behind the scene pics. Gram and Keef
  5. Need some help. I bought a dash cam and a card reader that plugs into my iPhone/iPad. I can watch video off of it but I can't figure out how to capture it onto the phone. I don't have a computer. Any help would be appreciated. Would like to share road videos.
  6. I was checking old dm's before I quit shag and there were several guys that wanted to make shirts out of my avatar but never heard any one actually do it.
  7. https://noisey.vice.com/en_uk/article/rp7zk6/38-hours-of-playlists-that-trace-the-evolution-of-modern-hip-hop 38 hours worth of hip hop history from 1985 to the present.
  8. Here's an example. Had a flat on my trailer the other night. Was still on the bead not blown out. So I kept going. Got to a truck stop with 15 minutes left on my Elog(electronic log book) if I had pulled into the shop to get it fixed I would have been in violation after it was done and pulled out to find a parking spot. Our log is set to switch to driving between 2-4 mph. So I waited until morning, after my 10 hour reset. Started my clock and went to the shop. Before elog I would have had my tire fixed before I went to bed and been ready to roll after my 10 hour break.
  9. Congressional dish Its a girl that actually watches cspan and reads the bills introduced to Congress and pretty much straight forward tells you what's going on in the house. She has a slight bias but overall sticks to just the facts.
  10. Stranglers is a good one all about the Boston strangler/s
  11. Been using this for over a year. Have seen fancier versions for around $60 but this one works great. https://www.wish.com/m/c/5433010e3a025e0d49179021?hide_login_modal=true&from_ad=goog_shopping&_display_country_code=US&_force_currency_code=USD&pid=googleadwords_int&c=%7BcampaignId%7D&ad_cid=5433010e3a025e0d49179021&ad_cc=US&ad_curr=USD&ad_price=1.00&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkIfPyMGU2gIVESOBCh0ODQ9MEAQYASABEgLm2_D_BwE
  12. Going to NUCOR steel. It's part of a mold. Those super loads are bad ass. How fast would you like to see 500,000lbs going down the road?
  13. She looks like she belongs in fayetteville. Like a failed stripper that went to fayetteville tech.
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