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Everything posted by drifter379

  1. One of the great moments in Country music history. http://wkdq.com/remembering-george-jones-alan-jackson-sings-choices-at-the-cma-awards-in-1999-in-rebellion/
  2. Your favorite band sucks. It's even better if you really really like the band. https://www.yfbspod.com
  3. Odd that you would associate that with an ape and not a caveman like everyone else that looks at the same drawing. But that was a clever way to compare Obama to an ape without actually doing it.
  4. Round Planet on Netflix is probably the best nature documentary to date.
  5. Maybe my reading comprehension is broke. Are you saying every Willie cover is better than Willie doing it originally? Because that's what I read.
  6. Anybody mention Shit Town yet? https://stownpodcast.org Form the folks that did Serial and This American Life.
  7. If you didn't like game night the problem is you not Bateman.
  8. Lita Ford and Joan Jett. 1/2 of the runaways.
  9. Don't hang that shit on Bateman. He was great it was the Melissa McCarthy shitck that was the problem.
  10. It's a close race with John Cusack but I think yes. Name one bad thing he's been in.
  11. The Clapper was a good low budget indie. Worth a watch. The Gift. A great little psychological thriller. Is there anything Jason Bateman (the greatest actor of my generation) isn't good in?
  12. It's the Heathen Girls. https://selvedgeyard.com/2013/10/15/bon-scott-renny-ellis-richard-ramirez-the-highway-to-hell-is-paved-in-mystery/ So the two on the left are in drag then?
  13. I think this deserves a fuck you on behalf of Willie.
  14. NOPE!! https://youtu.be/LJP1DphOWPs
  15. So much better stuff out there than these old worn out hero trucker bullshit narratives. I'm so tired of hearing about how great truckers are. Hang out in a truck stop for an hour and you will begin to hate these fucks as much as I do.
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