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Coelenterate Fuccboi

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Everything posted by Coelenterate Fuccboi

  1. Yes, but we seem to want to use the eyeball test when it benefits us and ignore it when it fucks us.
  2. The spin cycle will make it an upgrade.
  3. Maybe the administration got confused about which Stoops use to beat TU?
  4. We screwed ourselves in the final seconds of the OU game. We’re begging someone else to unscrew us.
  5. Do you guys close a book with 5 pages left? Turn off a movie with 15 minutes left? Blow your load all over your wife’s thighs before penetration?
  6. At least he won’t have any great expectations placed on him…
  7. I liked most of what I saw, but I’ll let it play out before anointing the guy. I’m hopeful, but also know pressure has a way of changing people.
  8. He might be. However, let’s go back to the first quarter of MM playing and you’ll find people saying the same shit about him. “Do we even want Quinn coming back?” People make dumb predictions off small sample sizes all the time. Jerrod Heard was the 2nd coming of VY after the Cal game… No silliness if it was part of the agreement with the family.
  9. I believe Sark was doing all he could to prevent burning his redshirt.
  10. Just STFU already. Go talk about this in front of the mirror.
  11. Damn… we even have players getting injured on the sidelines.
  12. Baxter is the type of back who’s great a wearing out defenses, in the beginning of the game, so the smaller guys can get in later and eat yards against the slower defense.
  13. I’m confident this staff will have good players on the roster with less baggage. Fuck Evan Stewart.
  14. You can cry about while our own receivers tearing it up next year, if you want to. I’m going to focus on the Texas boys.
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