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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SHOOTER12

  1. On 6/26/2018 at 8:43 AM, TreatyOak said:

    It did happen, not because I was so badass, but because he realized how obnoxious he was acting. 

    *Derail warning*

    Don't know why, but this post reminded me of an incident while attending a Houston Gamblers game back in the day.  Several guys from our neighborhood got tickets together and of course were drunker thank skunks before the game even started.  One of group was a former Cincinnati Bengals d.e, who could be the most obnoxious cuss you ever met.  Sometime in the 3rd quarter we started talking crap with a group 3 or 4 rows behind us.  Bengal boy said something to the effect of well "fuck your mother too",  which got the reply of "yeah? come up here and say that.  Well Bengal boy, all 6'5" and 260lbs of him headed up.  It suddenly got quiet as I noticed the guy who challenged him had stood up....I figured the challenger was standing on the next row of seats up was why he looked so tall.  Nope, they were standing on the same level, and badass bengal boy shook hands and made a hasty retreat.

    Turns out the guy behind us, while no one famous, was 7'4" and nearly 400lbs, and little if any body fat.  Thank God they were a good natured bunch of drunks.
    Bengal boy said later that that was the first time he ever thought he was going to die.

  2. On 6/19/2018 at 3:14 AM, ChampKind said:


    Daniel is known to prefer lean brisket. And even with the diss on my moist brisket, he came with a strong take on the lean (and everything else in general). I’m pleased with this piece.

    You want I should kick Daniels' ass for you?? lulz..

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  3. 24 minutes ago, sidis said:

    eh, you're an old now...hence your judgment being so clearly impaired on the other guy... ;)

    I'm sorry, could you repeat that please....a little more slowly?

  4. I've often wondered how these overaged relics continue to hold their positions, and just how much their advanced age affects their judgement.   I met a man a church Sunday who was 89 years old, and had spent over 50 years doing missionary work.  His health and appearance gave me pause as far as judging someone being too old to do an effective job.  Heck the guy looked 20-25 years younger than I do at least, (I'm 61 ftr) and was one of the most lucid, intelligent folks I have ever encountered.   So much for my preconceived notions about "the olds"

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