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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SHOOTER12

  1. I've often wondered how these overaged relics continue to hold their positions, and just how much their advanced age affects their judgement.   I met a man a church Sunday who was 89 years old, and had spent over 50 years doing missionary work.  His health and appearance gave me pause as far as judging someone being too old to do an effective job.  Heck the guy looked 20-25 years younger than I do at least, (I'm 61 ftr) and was one of the most lucid, intelligent folks I have ever encountered.   So much for my preconceived notions about "the olds"

  2. 16 hours ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    Get him started on model rocketry.  I loved that stuff when I was his age.


    Great idea, I remember model rocketry as kid.  I started out with the kits, and then went on to design my own rockets, even submitting drawings to Estes and Centuri to as their opinion as to whether the designs were flight worthy or death traps.   It's very stimulating to the mind and creativity.

  3. 7 hours ago, Aoor Paggie said:

    Only aggy can find a way to celebrate and/or glorify an act of total drunken, foolish asshatery to try to make it seem heroic.  Yet they wonder why they are the laughing stock of the world.

    • Like 2
  4. 55 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Well I’m a cheap bastard, and I drive by my credit union every day on my way home from work so when I need some more cash I whip in there to the ATM lane because they don’t charge fees.   Yesterday some fat chick in a car with paper plates took forever.  She was depositing stuff, etc.  Use the goddamned mobile app for that.   I just wanted a couple hundred bucks.  Takes one minute. 

    You should have rear ended her and then got out and gave her Vics' contact info.

  5. 1 minute ago, Neonmoon said:

    2016 In State QB Nick Starket commits to Oklahoma State   A&M - Signs with A&M

    2017 Out of State QB Tate Martell commits to A&M - Signs with Ohio State

    2018 Out of State QB Cade Fortin commits to A&M - Signs with UNC

    2019 Out of State QB Zach Calzada commits to A&M - 


    What did we learn kids?

    Lulz, commit don't mean shit.......

  6. 15 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    I'm wanting to hear his NASA stories and for him to point himself out in the background of the pictures on the wall of Frenchy's.

    That, and I'm wanting their chicken marsala with the side of fettucinne alfredo.

    Supposedly it costs $10k/lb to put something into space. Frenchy's fettucinne alfredo has cost the U.S. government about $4 million considering all the weight it has put on astronauts over the years.


    Great, you keep giving aggy clues.  Now they will be going table to table checking to see who ordered chicken marsala and fettucinne alfredo. 

  7. 20 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    Anyone have a good line on quality boardshorts at a reasonable price?  One issue I have is I have a long torso and short legs, proportionately.  20" boardshorts make me look like I'm wearing knickers.  Not looking for John Stockton style shorts, but maybe not quite as long as is the standard.  And I hate elastic waistbands.

    Just get yourself a sweet pair of jorts and be done with it.

  8. 1 hour ago, kopp0e said:

    Athletes will need a course provided by the institution in which the student athlete plays, that instructs how to know warning signs before it's too late...

    Slight derail, but we're going to have to do the same here at work.  What with all the metal buildings, steel equipment and pipe in our yard, we "shot" and infrared temperature gun across the parking lot yesterday, 6' off the ground and registered 113'-114'

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  9. Nothing new, but always fun to read about the adventures of johnny foolball.


    UPDATE: Last night, Johnny Manziel dropped all the way to the 22nd pick in the 2014 NFL draft, to the surprise of many. As Johnny Football’s stock plummeted before our eyes, a tipster, who is close to BroBible family, contacted us saying that he obtained Johnny Manziel’s scouting report from a New England Patriots employee. He then sent us the PDF file of said scouting report. After vetting the document and ascertaining that the author of the original document is a member of the Patriots organization, we feel it is an official New England Patriots document. The report was offered to several other media outlets, but due to our relationship with the source we were given the exclusive.

    The Patriots intel doesn’t exactly paint Manziel in a favorable light, knocking his off-the-field work ethic, personal life choices, and although it stops short of calling him a locker room cancer, it says there is resentment from his teammates “in the offseason when he isn’t coming to workouts and they are busting their butt.” The report goes on to question the family he comes from, noting that it’s a family with “outlaw bloodlines,” whatever the hell that means.

    The Patriots’ report does, however, praise his size saying that Manziel boasts, “High, knotted calves, with pretty gd. thickness through the thighs and bubble” and that that he has “big hands and feet.”

    It’s unclear if similar conclusions were reached by the other 31 NFL teams, but it certainly highlights concerns about the Heisman Trophy winner.

    Here are some of the excerpts

    On his family:

    • From the vibe of online articles, father seems a little too involved and overstepping his boundaries.
    • Vibe on this guy keeps getting worse. Support staff members are sick of him and ready for him to go. Described as a cocky, me-guy.
    • Loves football, FBI is high as well. Everything has been pretty well-documented in online articles about the kid, but sources say he’s a spoiled brat (grandfather gives him allowance, father bought him luxury car).
    • Comes from ‘outlaw bloodlines’, mom moved the family to Kerrville to get away from father’s wild family. Father’s family is said to be very shady people, always into something, they are the root of Johnny’s personality.

    On his psyche:

    • Couple of TXTC sources say can’t yell/scream at him or he shuts down; has walked away from Kingsbury in the past.

    On his work ethic:

    • Doesn’t study the game, said to know about 60% of the offense in ’12, never watches film; one source said only time he watched film during ’12 was before ALUN.
    • Knows how to scheme the system, arrogant and full of himself, but he’s not smug to coaches. Has been like this since Day 1, has never gone to class, goes to beat of own drum, but has ultimate confidence.

    On how his teammates view him:

    • Teammates don’t dislike him, but there’s some resentment, more so in the offseason when he isn’t coming to workouts and they are busting their butt.

    The full report is below.




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    johnny manziel patriots scouting report

    johnny manziel patriots scouting report


    We reached out to the Patriots organization but our request for comment was not immediately returned. We also understand that the report has an old Patriots logo. Considering that the document was an ongoing update of Manziel, and created before their logo change, we determined that detail was minor and not something we should base the report’s validity on.



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  10. Jamie F(u)oxx, come on down...............

    Actor Jamie Foxx spoke out on Wednesday against a claim that he assaulted a woman with his penis 16 years ago.

    Foxx told TMZ the claim is “absurd” and he will challenge the woman in court. 

    The woman told police last week that the incident happed in Las Vegas in 2002 when she and a friend were attending a party hosted by Foxx, TMZ reported. The woman reportedly claims Foxx hit her in the face with his penis when she refused to perform oral sex on him.

    After the alleged assault, one of Foxx’s friends allegedly told the woman to leave the house and she went back to her home in Los Angeles to get treatment for a panic attack, the gossip website reported.


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