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Certifiably Surly
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8659 Surly 1%


  • Birthday May 14


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    Confusionist Supreme

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  1. HATE AGGY, but wish CW a safe and full recovery.
  2. Yep, 22 and 23 I had Dish...and the channels dropped. Now 2024, switched to DirecTv, and dammit now they dropped here, FML
  3. Now, take into consideration that aggy plays 7-8(?) home games a year...how many years they been losing on the road?
  4. "From the inside (of the sheep) you can't explain it, from the outside...who the hell would want to know"?
  5. If anyone's capable of money whipping a coach, it's us by god...WE'RE TEXAS!! But do it wisely...
  6. "Hey we lost and looked like fools but hey guys, there's a camera errbody smile now"!
  7. Damn, here the agreebetween FOX and Directv expired, no ESPN, sec,b10 FOX no nothing. If Disney owns it, it's gone.
  8. PSA, If you have Directv you know that FOX agreement has expired. However, if you turn to the Sportmix Channel #105, they are showing the game as part of the "mix".
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