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Certifiably Surly
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About DalTxHornFan

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  1. I like brisket just fine, but when it starts competing with steak price-wise, steaks win out every time with me.
  2. Yep. Gunnar signed with Texas in December 2020. Herman fired in January 2021.
  3. That just leaves somebody else open. Good to be a weapon!
  4. He was always on winning teams in Littleton, CO He is a solid player.
  5. Gunnar tells a funny story about his weight. When he first showed up on campus, Texas coaches asked him to put on weight. He then added something like 50 lbs. He reported the next season and he was asked to drop some weight! Team player!
  6. Gunnar is a really good kid. Very real in one on one interactions at Burnt Ends events. Great to see him looking solid out from under the shadow of J.T.
  7. It's now a chain, but I think that was their second store. It's is a Memphis institution. Fun place.
  8. Second on Gus's Fried chicken down by the river in Memphis. But stay away from The Rendevous, unless under-rendered, under-seasoned pork ribs happen to be your thing.
  9. "Fast cook" of beans isn't worth it. May as well open a can of them.
  10. Their pricing was a non-starter for us.
  11. Sad to hear that about Cafe Ole. Loved having dinner at Cafe Ole and then crossing the street to the bar on Utica with the big outdoor deck. The name of that place escapes me. P.S. - My friend in Tulsa informs me that the name of that bar was the Blue Rose. Many good times were had there. RIP
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