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Everything posted by bschoolprof

  1. Great for Alyssa. I was wondering where she would end up after a month or two of radio silence.
  2. I had trouble following the plot (Richie Valens' brother works for a computer?), but really who gives a shit? It was a great action movie if that's your thing. Definitely worth the ticket price.
  3. Message/political undertones aside, the song should be cancelled because it's objectively terrible, even by modern bro country standards. I couldn't make it past the middle of the first verse.
  4. I have followed this case for a while now. I’m glad they finally solved it. Sounds like great detective work.
  5. It looks like in the 10 day, the high should be down to 99 by the end of July. We're fine!
  6. yeah, true, but Andy Dufresne gets a lifetime pass from me.
  7. He's dogshit on this show, like a comic book villain bad guy.
  8. Todd and Don to call the games?
  9. I had the same feeling, but I felt gruntled by the fact that it's based on books, not by the fat man, and they are done. So it's not just the writers making shit up as they go along. Possibly very, very minor book talk/spoilerage:
  10. You guys didn't see the extra scenes after the credits for the finale? I just wanted to see if anyone read my rambling post to the end.
  11. Off the top of my head, below are some questions I have heading into the next season (No way I'm reading the books). I'm sure the show will provide some answers in the future. 1) why did the govt need to erase all history? Obviously, it's nefarious as shit, and they want to hide the origin story of how everything went down, but what exactly happened that needs to be covered up? 2) why so many silos? Capacity? 3) What's the blinking key fob that Nuke Laloosh has? Keys to the "real" server room? Is 18 the number of their silo? 4) where does the giant door go? To another silo? 5) what exactly is the syndrome? What happens beyond the hand cramps and tremors? 6) So did the founders plan for "head of IT" to be the real leader all along? How is that succession plan handled? Through the half-ass shadow thing? 7) Why do the silo denizens/govt need cleaning of the camera? I think it's so they can see the outside world and how dangerous it is. The govt needs this to prevent potential rebellion. No outside view might convince some cowboys to call bullshit and open the hatch. 8- why are pulleys and elevators outlawed? Likewise, they couldn't have a machine or simple windshield wiper do the cleaning? 9) I'll stop for now, but in the lesbian sex scene, what did the tattoo on Rebecca Ferguson's labia mean?
  12. I'm just gonna assume this is happening. Now if we could just get a big chick that hits bombs.
  13. Let the rebellion begin. Spoilers end now. Hereafter, posts will contain spoilers. If you are reading this and haven't watched the show, you're a fucking moron anyway.
  14. Agree. I think maybe Booker has run out of steam. Perhaps he needs some collaboration on the writing/story side.
  15. That guy seems very fucking punchable.
  16. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/SandyImmaculateChital-mobile.mp4
  17. Coach White rarely tweets, so his tweet caught my eye when it showed up on my feed. Maybe the coaches just got a raise or a better parking spot. Who knows.
  18. Saw that. Singleton tweeted this as well. I think we may have nabbed someone in the portal.
  19. This is a simple game. You throw the ball. You hit the ball. You catch the ball.
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