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Everything posted by bschoolprof

  1. This might be the biggest regular season series in the MW era. This sets us up for #2 in the conference and hosting a super if we take care of business the rest of the way.
  2. Y'all can thank me for the reverse jinx!!
  3. can someone teach atwood how to block? it's not that hard. She's a tough chick.
  4. OSU scores. That might do it with Maxwell.
  5. We are whiffing at balls right over the plate. Not good.
  6. we won't be hitting Maxwell today. She's got all her stuff. tough with all these lefties.
  7. Huge fucking win!! We needed that.
  8. yep - we'll take it. 1 run might win this thing.
  9. 2 baserunners for mac in the 5th, but she gets out of it. She's pitched a gem. Man, if she had a riseball.
  10. She good. Mac is doing great, but with her style (plus OSU's patience), her pitch count is quickly getting up there. That does not bode well for us with 3 games in 2 days.
  11. Kilfoyl not fucking around. 1-2-3. 7 pitches.
  12. In related news, if you want to see this chick below naked across the actual UT campus, then definitely don't google nala brooks UT.
  13. Morgan won Big 12 pitcher of the week. Good for her and the team. We need her to maintain her consistency because she's the closest we have to an ace.
  14. We really need 2/3 from OSU for RPI. I would take 1/3 though.
  15. This saddens me. I'm a huge Bella fan.
  16. No way we host a super. We may be lucky to get a regional. We have the bats (not tonight), but not the arms, and certainly not the defense. Perhaps the most amazing thing about our run last year is we started playing defense. Now we are back to circus ball.
  17. Are we still trying to make Whittaker a thing?
  18. Setting a new bar for defensive futility. Holy shit. This is little league.
  19. Atwood with a 2 run double. Showing a little fight.
  20. Kaitlyn Slack is the 1st base coach for KU. Good for her.
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