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Chips O'Toole

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chips O'Toole

  1. I loved the first season and didn't even make it to episode 2 of the second season because it was so embarrassingly bad. Maybe they'll try to bring back a similar feel to the first season, but I'm not hopeful.
  2. "That'll Be 9.95" is probably the most commonly called back joke around here, so it could be fitting. Also a nod to the fact that we pass around the info from the payboards willy nilly.
  3. This was my thought. Why couldn't they just show the broadcast angle, I thought it was out of his hand in the ground after watching the initial play.
  4. It's obvious to us, but my point was that all the people acting like Hookfin is smoking crack for listening to an early playing time pitch might be ignoring the fact that it does happen. And it has happened here recently as a result of criminal roster mismanagement.
  5. We've had CW and Kerstetter starting at tackle as true freshmen in the last 3 years, so maybe it's not the CRAZIEST idea an 18 year old has ever heard.
  6. I'm fairly certain that I have a good understanding of who I am dealing with in this thread.
  7. You Leal people are fascinating. And by fascinating, I mean pleasant, but most likely found in the "classic autism" area of the spectrum.
  8. I use MobaXterm and haven't had to use WinSCP or Putty on my workstation in years. It does file transfer and console/SSH in the same window and has tabbed sessions. I used to use Notepad++ for everything, now I use OneNote for actual notes and NP++ for any text editing. I always have Slack open just because I like to goof off while I work.
  9. It's possible that the RAID controller failed, and if that's the case, I've had success replacing a RAID controller with the same model (I've only used LSI) and then letting the new controller import the RAID configuration metadata from the drives. I've only done this on servers though, not workstations. If it's a software RAID or something, I have no idea.
  10. Hmm maybe these guys want to get a little bit physical with OU today.
  11. Put Shane in unless you want to see two or three more INTs this game.
  12. The Situations is just living his best lifes. That's the thing that annoys me. The only person in this group even remotely "living their best life" is Paulie, the rest of them just say that shit while getting obliterated at dinner or ordering a huge bag of food from Burger King.
  13. Spaghetti with Cream of Mushroom AND alfredo happy saturday.
  14. Just don't throw it here, please. Run it and it's either a TD or leaving Urban with about one minute.
  15. Oh my god how the fuck was he that open.
  16. McFarland looks to be injured. 272 yards in this game, holy shit. No worries, Maryland can just easily run jet sweeps for 30-40 yards for the rest of the game. Am I right guys?
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