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Chips O'Toole

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chips O'Toole

  1. Maybe in case she has a heart attack? On account of Jimbo exuding all that raw masculine sexuality? Throw in a pair of Brew's sinewy legs and you got y'self a scrumptious manstew going.
  2. There's really no doubt in my mind that he gets dinged up in the season opener and peaces the fuck out of QB1. Amazing that this kid is still trying to fuck everything up for himself.
  3. I'm not really a shoe guy, but those new metcons are badass.
  4. Well, it's almost 11 so Norla should be drunk-posting within the hour.
  5. So what's on the agenda for today, fam? Inhaling each others' sharts? Say no more.
  6. Our magical depth chart is now tougher to crack than Clemson's. In a month or two we might be able to claim a national depth chart title over Bama.
  7. The HEB brand is pretty lame, and none of them really have much "flavor" it's more of an aroma than actual taste in your tongue. If you want to try something different, get the Waterloo brand from Central Market or Whole foods, I like cherry, grapefruit and coconut the best. It has more flavor and isn't as fake tasting.
  8. I was told that I can only get so erect, but apparently that situation is fluid.
  9. Yeah, it's great. The actress playing the assassin is good at being a psycho. Just two more episodes left in the season.
  10. Wow, great job you healthy vegan, you have sliced a tofu hot dog and dropped it on your homemade pasta with ragu.
  11. I rewatched it for the episode. It was pretty fucked up actually.
  12. Websites not to visit: midcenturymenu.com, goatse.cx, Horns 247
  13. I appreciate the contrasting degrees wetness and dryness in these two dishes.
  14. Finally getting around to listening to Cocaine and Rhinestones, and I am hooked.
  15. I think Billy Bob Thornton would actually be a great hire for them.
  16. Cancelled Vue, will likely try YT when football starts back up. Overall, I was pretty happy with it but would like to see how other ones work. In the meantime, I'm trying to decide on a system for streaming OTA channels around the house and out to our backyard projector. I have a friend who uses one of the silicondust boxes and likes it, but I am leaning toward the Tivo Roamio because I like the interface. I know Tableau is a similar product but it doesn't seem to be as popular.
  17. Central Market carries a brand called Polar that has a Cherry Lime flavor that is badass. My go-to is Waterloo Black Cherry or Grapefruit, but it is $5.99/12 pack compared to $4 for lacroix. Topo Chico is magic though, the glass bottle keeps the bubbles really well, so you can drink it slowly without it going flat. It is more expensive though, not quite as much per oz as craft beer but I also don't drink 4 in one sitting like I did with beer.
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