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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. Occasional walks and too many dribblers have become our new offense. I don't much care for it.
  2. Time to maybe start driving the ball and post a crooked number. Just for old times' sake.
  3. Meatballs are on the menu...after a total luck single to start the rally. Need to shut this down now.
  4. Better get our heads on straighter than this if we hope to contend for anything to speak of.
  5. Well, I didn't even know we were playing today. So I'm going to ignore this whole game and assume we start tomorrow.
  6. We're playing as though our resume is complete and we're just knocking around waiting for the postseason. Not good.
  7. I'm interested in seeing how this team responds.l to being thumped. We haven't looked good at all since B12 play started. Somebody be a leader.
  8. Teams are reflections of their coaches. Pierce somehow managed to get by in the past, but I doubt there's another rabbit in his cap. This team is a laughing stock.
  9. Getting worked by what at the moment looks like a better team. Might not be, but just showing up isn't good enough on a quality opponent's field. We really need a spark...and someone who can drill a changeup.
  10. With a solid point guard joining the team, how quickly we'd forget the endless frustrations of watching Hunter. Now, before anyone asks, I haven't even tried to figure out who that replacement should be. All I know is that the NCAA tournament always showcases quite a few guards better than him, and a decent SEC-to-be program should be able to find one.
  11. This NCOY thing is a farce. No way should VanDerveer be on the list over Schaefer. At least they didn't toss Auriemma in there as the token male.
  12. Three straight OU turnovers lead to another squallin' Sooner kid. Strike up the sad violin.
  13. Iriafen and Brink totally shut down Crooks in a way Taylor Jones could only dream of. Almost every shot was viciously contested. But Stanford didn't guard anyone else all that effectively, Ryan in particular. Meanwhile, Crooks did zero to stop Iriafen, who went for 41 and 16. Should we meet Stanford two rounds from now, I think Booker and our guards would score 45-plus. But whether we'd total 20 from everyone else is another question, especially given our feeble layup efforts against Bama. I at least like our chances of getting to that round to find out, whether Stanford does or not. I hope they don't.
  14. Crooks went from 18-20 FGs two days ago to 3-21 tonight. Still over 50% for the tourney, but I doubt it feels that way.
  15. Any day Baylor loses is a good day. Especially losing to a lower seed.
  16. Moore played a great game. That late-clock 3 was much bigger than the final margin would suggest.
  17. I was thinking 1 seeds all time. It's hard to imagine climbing to that seeding and then not being able to make at least half of your open shots from 3 feet in. Should be an interesting shot chart, if only for laughs.
  18. Can a 1 seed play worse offensively? I hope we don't find out in the final quarter. Good thing Bama's having pretty much the same problem. Our D has kept us ahead.
  19. Should be up 15 or so. I realize Booker can't take every shot, and you have to get others involved. But when your interior players all seem to have flippers instead of hands, it's tempting to tell 35 to just keep shooting.
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