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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. A fairly loose quarter, especially late. Too many mishandled passes. Booker probably needs to give us 25 tonight.
  2. Yeah, it's pretty clear she never goes looking for attention.
  3. Games like this are maddening. You realize that any micron of better execution along the way would have given you a win. But at least we didn't fold.
  4. Weaver must touch the ball in every remaining halfcourt set.
  5. Lost in all this is the fact Tennessee is still ripe for the picking. Make some shots, take care of the ball and see what happens.
  6. What's sad is that Tennessee is playing like a 7 seed...at best. But we're helping them by playing like a 16...at best.
  7. If Weaver doesn't play at least 17 minutes in the second half, it's malpractice.
  8. Those casual observers who whined about our first half against CSU now see it wasn't some fluke. We're just that bad offensively.
  9. The only reason we're not down 25 is that we're facing playoff Barnes.
  10. Getting worked. I miss having a PG who can, among other things, dribble.
  11. This is far from a "I want us to beat KU in football, but if we don't, at least that's the end of our long Charlie Strong nightmare" scenario. There's no obvious payoff for losing to Tennessee tonight. So let's not.
  12. Nothing was "taken away" from UCF. They almost made the play but didn't.
  13. Guess we'd all agree that was suboptimal. Let's score a few this innings and coast on in.
  14. When a runner is out by a foot and the "analyst" says it's not conclusive enough to overturn, it just shows how many people need corrective lenses.
  15. Maloney's max exit velocity can be clocked with a sundial.
  16. Couldn't happen to a better bunch. Anything that makes Mulkey look bad is all right by me.
  17. Were Scott to transfer here, would she be eligible to play next season? I don't know if the SEC's sit-a-year rule for in-conference transfers goes beyond football, but I assume so. Anyway, moot for the moment.
  18. I thought our game plan was solid. Had our top two scorers shot 40% from the floor instead of 30, we'd have cruised. Defense was outstanding overall.
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