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Everything posted by CfRhTxStBobcats

  1. Too many gooners in this game. Surprised not a single Bama player on either roster.
  2. You have an island in your dining room? Time to upgrade mi casa.
  3. Holy shit I'm gonna cum belongs after this post!
  4. Seems like there was a big game same time slot on ABC or FOX. Could be wrong.
  5. All comes down to competition. I bet that list looks different next year.
  6. This thread just helps as a reminder of how much I love pussy. Sorry if that offends someone eavesdropping.
  7. I guess he figured if you can't beat'em, join'em. HOOK'EM!
  8. Then I'd know what is going to happen 20 seconds before I see it. Pisses me off.
  9. This isn't the same Bama team from the 2nd game of the season. It's looking more like the team that played auburn
  10. Got damn! I have a love/hate for AI. That is the perfect woman.
  11. Your avatar looks more like my grandfather! Good to know there's someone well older than me around here.
  12. Damn, that Holtz NC was in 88. I'm older than I thought. I was out of college in 88.
  13. All but 3 of those teams have won a national championship since I was in high school.
  14. Sweat and Bijan. Best things to come out of the Tom Herman years.
  15. This is why I would rather drive from Pearland to El Paso than Pearland to New Orleans. Driving east sucks.
  16. After the divorce I'll just tell her Your Mom told me to do it.
  17. Well, those are her boobs in my avatar. They cost me more than 2 tickets but less than a trip to Italy.
  18. I'm looking at a 10 day trip to Italy next year for about $8,500. If the Horns make the championship game I'm going to try and sell my wife on saving $2500 and go to the game instead.
  19. Well shit! My wife is going to need to cut her budget some more.
  20. Unfortunately for my wife she's been married to me since 89 and around me for football since 86, so she's see each end of the spectrum. She was out shopping for new furniture today and I told her to reduce her budget by $1000 because I need to hopefully by a ticket to the championship game in Houston. She said spend what you want, you deserve it for the last 34 years of screaming at the television. No travel involved so hopefully I can snag a ticket for a grand or less. Some ga sap should be looking to unload a ticket or two. I'm sure there's ulterior motives. I'm sure she thinks this is the go ahead to spend what she wants.
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