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Everything posted by CfRhTxStBobcats

  1. I'm hoping for Urban, but even if he is the next coach I'm going to be pessimistic as hell. I was pessimistic when Mack was hired and he turned out to be a decent hire for 10 years or so, I was fairly optimistic when Charlie was hired, and I was really optimistic when Tom was hired. Bottom line is I know jackshit when it comes to hiring coaches and I'm tired of being dissapointed. Don't expect much and you'll rarely be dissapointed.
  2. Unless I've had it all wrong for years, I thought "playing the race card" is a term used when there actually is no racism but you have no other argument, hence the word playing. I don't think for one second CS was given any less time because he is Black, just as I don't think TH should be given another year for beating Georgia. Playing .500 football or slightly better in your 4th year should be enough to get you fired at UT, especially with very few skins on the wall.
  3. Well that doesn't sound too happy there Gilmore. Believe me, I'm not a fan of the race card myself. I'm just desperate for a change and at this point if that's what it takes I'd have no objections if someone like Mr Acho brought it up.
  4. Time to play the race card. How the hell do you keep TH if he loses 5 games, but you let CS go after a terrible year. I know CS record was worse than Tom's, but I don't think Charlie ever had a year with such high expectations. This is one of the most disappointing years I can remember. The others were Bama championship game, Georgia Cotton Bowl, and Notre Dame Cotton Bowl when Earl was playing. Different kind of disappointment, this season is absolutely inexcusable.
  5. Gotta be 200,000 alum and fans willing to put up $150 each. I don't how it would go about being put together but count me in. If someone would like to send me their banking info I'll cut the check tomorrow.
  6. Not that I disagree with you about Saban, Dabo, OU, but any coach worth his weight in shit should be able to roll out there with the players on this roster and beat the hell out of pretty much anyone on the schedule without one iota of cheating. Or at least without any more cheating that's been going on already. No program is squeaky clean.
  7. Has to be Urban. Great thing with him is you can throw insanely more money at him because you don't have to worry about any kind of buyout. He'll leave on his own when he gets a headache. Hopefully that doesn't happen for 5 years or more. Offer $10 million a year and load it up with incentives
  8. Sounds like a reasonable request to me.
  9. Fuck the game thread. This is the only one that matters anymore.
  10. I take it there are no billionaire posters on surly. Come on Red, don't you want a chance to see one more NC before you kick off? Buy out Herman's contract and pay Urbans 1st years salary.
  11. Got any proof? You don't expect us to take the word of someguy do you? For somereason I don't think that's very original.
  12. Tech will be playing aggy later this season by proxy. Leach is going to fuck them up, and unless the Horns are playing at the same time I'm not missing a second of it.
  13. This definitely doesn't look like a tampon defense. Very vagina like no doubt.
  14. This. While A and S aren't totally unattractive, they sure aren't anything that I would bother to take a second look at. The 2 girls sitting look to have potential.
  15. Time is flying. It seems like all those guys were playing 20 years or so ago. Can't believe it's been 30 years.
  16. Stanley Richard, the Sheriff? Or do I have him confused with someone else. Seems like he was with the team in the 90s. Nvm. I was thinking you said 1977. Time for eye check.
  17. Damn, thought I was old. That was 2 weeks before I was born.
  18. 1981 vs smu in Irving. Defensive game, held Dickerson and Hooker Killer in check.
  19. Not to mention it's the Cajuns ONLY win over a ranked team. That's pathetic aggies
  20. I can see it now. Aggy will shut down upper deck and endzones to get to 50%.
  21. Unfortunately that looks a lot like the Hard Rock hotel in New Orleans.
  22. Haven't been keeping up with recruiting, but when I saw 4 pages in 4 hours I thought damn, this kid must be good.
  23. I think the real danger in not playing this year is how many guys lose their eligibility or drop out of school and never return. I think there's a large percentage of guys who didn't go to play school and won't be disciplined enough to take online classes. This could possibly hit the sec the hardest so I fully expect them to at least start the season.
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