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Everything posted by CfRhTxStBobcats

  1. I like to think I'm up on my history, given my DAR award and all I received in high school. Lol. But I realize now that so many historical figures are more controversial than I ever learned in my history classes. I just believe if back in January if you would have asked students on campus who Jim Hogg was you may have gotten a former governor of Texas from a few, but how many knew he was racist? Hell, I didn't even know, but now that I do it doesn't surprise me. I just learned from reading a post by randolphduke that Sul Ross was a real piece of shit confederate general. Why they ever named a university after him I have no idea. Everyone of course knows of Robert E Lee and his statue may belong in a museum somewhere but not on a university campus or even public park. Bottom line is I think most of us agree everyone should feel comfortable on campus and I was sincere when I said change the names and take down the statues. What I meant by it changes nothing is it won't keep racist or bad cops from killing an innocent man or keep someone from hiring a person because of the color of their skin. I guess every journey starts with a first step. I don't think we're too far apart on how we think about this issue, except for possibly donations to BLM. I said in a previous post have more scholarships for black students instead. I think that would be money better spent and less likely to line someone's pockets. Damn, I mention R. D. in my post and there he is. And by the way I saw you were the spelling Nazi when someone spelled a lot allot, it's apologize, not apologise. Just messing with you. If we all spent time correcting everyone's spelling nothing would get posted. I know I've had my share of misspellings.
  2. Actually, nowhere did I post anything about knowing how black athletes feel and that it doesn't bother them. Show me now or stfu. I said I doubt most students and student athletes probably didn't know much about who the buildings were named after until recently. Could I be wrong about that, absolutely, but I doubt it. Then I proceeded to say change the names, take down the statues, change the words, but don't donate to BLM because it's basicly extortion.
  3. I believe I stated I don't believe the majority of students of all races on campus have no idea who most of these buildings are named after. Pretty simple. As I said in another post, change all the names and remove the statues, but I don't believe in donating to BLM or any group.
  4. I'll ask you this. I was responding to a post that said its amazing the change these athletes can accomplish with the power they hold or something to that effect. What makes you so sure these symbolic changes will really make a difference. I'm not arguing these changes shouldn't happen, there should be no statues of racists or buildings named after racists on campus. My argument is it's not going to bring about significant change in the long run. My question is how far is everyone willing to go. Is Red McCombs next on the hit list for saying Charlie Strong would only make a good coordinator at UT, he's not head coach material. There was a lot of racism claims thrown at Red around here or Shaggy I guess. No one will dare say anything before he kicks the bucket, gotta get some of his $$$ when he goes.
  5. Time to start showing some dumbass white guys doing stupid shit and getting shot. You know there has to be plenty of them just not sure why it never makes national news.
  6. How do you know they are so different from Mr Schenker and myself? I'm pretty sure you know nothing about me or my background. I guess time will tell if these changes make a difference. I guess from now on everyone on this board everyone should start with IMO before 90% of posts.
  7. Schools are a necessity that the vast majority of taxpayers benefit from, wether you have children or not. A mass transit system than a vast minority of taxpayers will ever use is asinine.
  8. As many people as possible need to keep or start working from home. It's been great getting around Houston the last few months. I know very few people mass transit really works for. My neighbor wants it it go to the museum district twice a year but I sure as hell don't want to help him pay for it. I'd rather drive his old ass down there twice a year than pay for something I'll never use. Between income, property, sales, gas and other business taxes I pay I'm taxed out. I hope it fails for the sake of the Austin taxpayer. I seriously doubt it'll do a damn thing to resolve traffic congestion. It's just not convenient enough for a large majority of the population.
  9. Except those changes really changes nothing. I'm pretty sure a vast majority of students and student athletes have no idea whom all of those buildings were named after until someone got in their ear recently. Buildings, change the names, I couldn't care less, tweak the damn song, not that difficult, donating money or else, that's extortion.
  10. No idea. I'd be good with more academic scholarships for black students, but BLM is too political. Plus, where what happens when a group BLM doesn't agree with come asking for donations. Lawsuits everywhere.
  11. Since TH is eying another transfer wr, maybe he's not.
  12. Same sentence for a cop that kills an innocent victim that someone gets for killing a cop. I'm guessing the sentence is life or death penalty in most cop killings depending on the situation. I have no problem with that POS in Minneapolis getting the death penalty if it's an option in Minnesota. I'm sure if Mr Floyd killed the cop with a knee to the neck for 9 minutes he would be on death row soon. I know a few fine officers so I'm definitely not anti cop, but I am for justice for all.
  13. Guy I went to school with shot a few horses in high school. About 5 years after graduation he was a truck driver and he killed his driving partner. It wasn't more than a year or so later he killed his girlfriend and her approximately 10 year old daughter. He told the girl to run then proceeded to shot her in the back with a rifle as she ran away. I haven't read this thread but I hope to hell no one else knew a bigger piece of shit murderer than this guy.
  14. While I applaud him for taking a stand, very few people will ever hear of him again until he gets back on the field. His best bet is to work his ass off, make it to the NFL and join other NFL players who are speaking out. He may get a few players to sit out the season with him but there will be someone else ready to step in and take their places. The only way I see him making a difference at UT is if he gets Sam to sit out with him. No offense to the other players, but Sam is the only player on this team that people would stand up and take notice of if he took a stand. And no it's not because he's white, if VY was playing this season it would be the same situation. Just not much star power on this team.
  15. Bryan Carrington tweeting Sam's potential likeness at $962K. Talk about a recruiting tool. #2 on the list Chase from LSU at $263K.
  16. Yeah, those kids from small Texas towns suck. Steve McMichael never should have seen the field for the Horns. I'm sure there's a long list of small town players that did and are doing well.
  17. I chose the politically correct #2, so I'm a damn liar. I'd go to the ou game no matter the situation. I just have to stay away from the in-laws if I was to go. That's not much of a problem, well I guess my wife would have to stay away from them also. That's her fucking problem though.
  18. Where is the fucking pause button??? HOOK'EM Mr. Barron
  19. Just glad to read he's well spoken. It would be nice not to here that cliche ever again.
  20. So how long y'all been married? Nothing wrong with marrying a dumb chick, I wish I would have. It's a lot easier pulling the wool over a dumb girls eyes than a smart one.
  21. Then I'm in great shape. By my figuring my stimulus check will be somewhere between $50 and $75, if they can even get it to me. Last year had to pay so they dont have my DD info and I've moved since filing 2018 and haven't done 2019 taxes. No faith in the postal service to forward our check after almost 10 months. At least my son got his $1200 the other day.
  22. Time to start an adopt a stripper program. I have 3 empty bedrooms, I'd even be willing to feed them. Just need to get my wife's permission first.
  23. What I'm hearing from superintendents on construction sites around Houston, Austin, DFW is they're having trouble getting some trades to show up for work. The work is definitely still going on, I guess some either don't want to work, or just scared. I'm guessing some are trying to get that extra $600 a week from the feds as well as whatever the state pays. One of my guys tried to do it because he would actually be making an extra $200 a month. Of course he wouldn't have a job when his unemployment ran out. Not sure if he could sue me or not. He claimed he was scared to get out and work, but all that seemed to change when he couldn't get through to claim unemployment.
  24. That's a lot of money to spend just to watch the game on tv. Those towers should be in the north end zone so you can at least watch it on the jumbotron or whatever it'll be called now.
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