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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. one day they will have to come up with a four word chant and the whole castle will crumble beneath them.
  2. It doesn't exist with respect to party right now, but it does with respect to policy.
  3. Old fashion is typically somewhere between perplexing and embarrassing. But on July 16, 1969, we looked pretty boss.
  4. This is very "but why male models?" series of posts.
  5. continued attack on the institution that gave us everything from Watergate to the current Epstein fiasco -- whose importance was so obvious from day one that the founders decided to make it the first amendment -- is the best part of the galaxy brain party
  6. It’s an interesting thought. He’d lose some culture warrior olds who live their life in fear of the yoots because of it, but I bet the young vote offset would be big. My guess is the risk to him is the D candidate saying he’d do it too. Then Trump just loses the olds.
  7. I’m very disappointed in Reagan for hypothetically taking that position.
  8. He’s clearly suffering from Alzheimer’s there /surly teledoctors
  9. You may as well ask why climb that highest mountain; Why 35 years ago fly across the Atlantic; Why does rice play Texas?
  10. i did this last march: If you ever want a good shot of patriotism, go to the WWII memorial in DC where they have it broken up into states. It is really hard to stomach the 'f texas' 'f california' intranational bitching we have now in that light.
  11. The New York sanctions motion https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6200661-Census-sanctions-7-16-19.html
  12. I say don't put too much faith in the Jane Doe suit. It says Trump + Epstein, so that connection gives it a little cred, but reading the affidavit sounds very much like a poorly thought out short story by some high school sophomore. https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.459083.1.1.pdf (I'm going to profusely apologize when it turns out to be completely true, so accept this as an apology down payment. But the BS detector is very strong with that one).
  13. Jared Lorenzen died two weeks ago. I somehow missed that.
  14. I wonder if the strategy works better in a presidential year though. Fox News and Trump can’t repeat the message of “Ohio district 11 random Democrat candidate is a socialist” 100,000 times. But they can do that for the presidential candidate.
  15. $56MM in cash. You know, in case anything unexpected comes up.
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