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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. On 5/24/2024 at 8:22 PM, Mo Horn said:

    They're a better person than I am. I honestly don't think I could walk by her without either telling her to fuck off, or punch her in the face. I need to leave this country. I have so many visceral reactions and hatred of the far right. It's truly not healthy. 

    I’d ask her how much George Soros is paying her to disrupt the GOP.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 12 hours ago, TexEx15 said:


    The only reason they push that now is that are worried that the urban areas are going to show up at the polls and vote against the GOP. It’s a sign their polling has the, concerned.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 10 hours ago, StassneyHorn said:

    Libertarians don’t want to win. They want to pat themselves on the back for being above it all. They want to say they aren’t a part of the problem. Actually winning an election would be bad for them. That’s what attracts everyone to that freak show and other 3rd parties. Both parties already have coalitions that include them, they just reliably refuse to join.

    10 hours ago, Bojack said:

    I don't know about y'all but every Libertarian I've ever known is an insecure, know it all, contrarian jackass that likes to scrutinize the political  views of others while never wanting to hear scrutiny of their own. The fact that they'll never win and hold any office makes it where they never have to admit that their ideas are childish and unworkable in the real world. 

    Hello fellow former libertarians

    High Five Best Friends GIF by Saturday Night Live

    • Haha 1
  4. Trump’s people had Secret Service confiscating rubber chickens..


    Rubber, squeaky chickens were handed out this weekend at the Libertarian Party convention in Washington, D.C., to call on former President Trump to debate independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    The rubber chickens, which had the words “Debate Bobby” on them were passed out by the pro-Kennedy American Values 2024 super PAC at the weekend convention, where Trump was met with a raucous crowd and a mix of boos and cheers.

    Tony Lyons, the co-chair of American Values 2024, confirmed to The Hill that the group distributed the rubber chickens to attendees Saturday.

    “Biden and Trump are scared to death to debate Bobby because they know what the voting public is learning rapidly—that Bobby Kennedy can win, that he alone will end the corruption, end the wars, end the chronic disease epidemic and rebuild the middle class, the engine of our democracy,” Lyons said in a statement. 

    In one video of Trump’s Saturday address, an apparent silhouette of a rubber chicken could be seen being held up by an audience member. 

    CNN reported that Secret Service agents confiscated some of the rubber chickens ahead of Trump’s speech.

    Nate Herring, a spokesperon for the U.S. Secret Service, told The Hill the agency often publishes a list of prohibited items that are not permitted in protected sites. 

    “Although this list specifically identifies several objects that are not allowed in secure areas, the list also includes a general prohibition on any items determined, at the agent’s discretion, to be a potential safety hazard or disruptive to the event,” Herring wrote in a statement. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Parliament said:

    Theoretically, how far could an F16 make it into Russia, launch its Storm Shadow, and make it back in one piece?  Or is Russian airspace still too controlled for that?

    It’s got to be weird planning stuff like that - Ukraine has been methodically whittling their air defenses down, and stuff has been moved from Crimea into Russia proper,  both to take it out of range, but also stop the Ukrainians from hitting Russian infrastructure.  There’s no way the Russians are able to rapidly replace what’s been lost, unless they rob Peter to pay Paul, so there’s gotta be some gaps in their coverage.

    We have F-16s now that do the Wild Weasel job, and we have a shitload of anti-radar missiles that we’ve been giving Ukraine that can be mounted in F-16s..so something will have to give.

    For reference, this was a more recent Wild Weasel and I’m going to show my kid because we have to do a scale model of this over the summer.


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  6. US Green Beret Colonel kills Russian spy…on his own property, near Fort Liberty (former Fort Bragg).

    An US colonel of the Special Forces discovered a trespasser with a telescopic camera on his property. After an altercation, the elite US soldier was forced to kill the intruder. It turned out that the intruder is a Russian national of Chechen ethnicity and that he was illegally in the USA. The incident occurred not far from Fort Liberty (formerly know as Fort Bragg), North Carolina. Law enforcement agencies suspect a spy operation.

    The company sound s shady as shit.

  7. 4 minutes ago, tbone_ said:

    At this point I assume the only reason to go to the porn store anymore is the gloryhole, correct?

    Or you don’t want your gf/spouse/family freaking out after stumbling across your Amazon order history.  It can also (sometimes) be cheaper if you order lube by the case or even barrel, than online. Just be careful that the manufacturer’s seals weren’t broken, and the store removed some of the product and replaced it with water.

    • Haha 3
  8. 1 hour ago, bolverk said:

    Has anyone explained why Trump and, apparently, Mike Lee were invited to speak at the Libertarian convention?

    1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    Who in God's name thought sending him to the Libertarian Convention was a good idea? That person is obviously getting fired but they should be getting a medal for making that pussy finally get a taste of how some people feel about him. 

    The libertarian candidate got 1.9 million votes in 2020. Trump needs every vote he can get and some libertarian thought to formally invite him after Trump’s people reached out to him (I bet Trump’s people initiated it).  

    With that said, good move on the part of the libertarians - it’ll get them riled up and make them feel relevant and reaffirm their beliefs that both parties suck.  

    1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    But the line about them only getting 3% was pretty great. 

    Great way to get them to vote for the libertarian candidate. He bruised their egos.  

  9. 27 minutes ago, shadow_operative2.0 said:

    Next he's gonna tell us Wally Pryor is no longer. 

    What about Cactus Pryor?  I have his phone number from when I used to work on his computer back in the late 90s, I should call him up.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:


    Libertarian views on issues reads like a 3rd grader describe ice cream

    I’m sure MAGA loves this:

    Libertarians believe that if someone is peaceful, they should be welcome to immigrate to the United States.

    Libertarians believe that people should be able to travel freely as long as they are peaceful. We welcome immigrants who come seeking a better life. The vast majority of immigrants are very peaceful and highly productive.

    Indeed, the United States is a country of immigrants, of all backgrounds and walks of life…some families have just been here for more generations than others. Newcomers bring great vitality to our society.

    A truly free market requires the free movement of people, not just products and ideas.

    Whether they are from India or Mexico, whether they have advanced degrees or very little education, immigrants have one great thing in common: they bravely left their familiar surroundings in search of a better life. Many are fleeing extreme poverty and violence and are searching for a free and safe place to try to build their lives. We respect and admire their courage and are proud that they see the United States as a place of freedom, stability, and prosperity.

    Of course, if someone has a record of violence, credible plans for violence, or acts violently, then Libertarians support blocking their entry, deporting, and/or prosecuting and imprisoning them, depending on the offense.

    Libertarians do not support classifying undocumented immigrants as criminals. Our current immigration system is an embarrassment. People who would like to follow the legal procedures are unable to because these procedures are so complex and expensive and lengthy. If Americans want immigrants to enter through legal channels, we need to make those channels fair, reasonable, and accessible.

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