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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. From that tweet Schultz posted:

    • Major-General Ivan Popov
    • Lieutenant-General Yuri Kuznetsov
    • Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov
    • Lieutenant-General Vadim Shamarin

    Four high profile arrests of the Russian military respectively defense ministry, all charged with corruption and bribery.

    Forget about the charges, all Russian generals and officials are guilty of that, even in large quantities. This is not the reason that those men have been detained.

    This is a purge and the reasons can be all attributed that those men have been a severe problem for the Putin regime. Something is cooking (again) in Moscow. It is obvious that there is a huge powerplay ongoing. Shoigu's transfer to the security council is just another sign that there is a "modification" of the power structures in Russia ongoing.


    Cue the Tom Clancy plots.

  2. 5 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    The thing I noticed moving here from the midwest wasn't how hot it gets, it's not all that much worse, but how early in the morning it gets hot and how late in the evening it stays hot.  That's a bit of a beating.

    Still beats snow, though.

    I can shovel snow and put more clothes on.

    The heat wasn't a problem before we had kids - we would just veg inside.  With kids comes various activities, sports and otherwise.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 27 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Dude. You’re adorable.
    Nobody whose name isn’t “Trump” has any say. None. Not a word. Why? Because ALL GQP voters are tied to him with a bond greater than “worshipper to their god.” Betrayal of Trump loses those voters…and those voters are all the GQP has. There is no party without Trump and his supporters.

    Those MAGA voters better start coughing up the bucks then, to make up for corporations, etc. that start funneling all of their money into the winning party.

    When Biden wins again, that will be 8 years of Obama, 4 of Trump, and 8 of Biden.

    That's never happened in the history of the Republican Party as we know it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Scheiss Meister said:

    He should have told her, "It's none of your business.  Get out of the way." and just carried on.

    He should have asked her how much George Soros was paying her, and just kept at it - "we're trying to erect a fence, you know, secure the American property owners' land, and you clearly don't like fences.  No, this is not about the Hispanic workers, you just don't like the fence like a lot of liberals.  I hope Soros is paying you well, because you're going to be internet famous."

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  5. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/texas-power-demand-break-may-record-heat-wave-friday-2024-05-23/

    Marvel Studios Smile GIF by Disney+


    Power use in Texas was on track to break the record for the month of May on Friday for a second time this week and could top that again over the Memorial Day weekend as homes and businesses crank up air conditioners to escape a heat wave.

    The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which operates most of the state's power grid for 27 million customers, said the system was currently operating normally with enough supply available to meet expected demand all week.


    ERCOT projected power demand would peak at 75,296 megawatts (MW) on May 24 and 75,952 MW on May 26, which would top the current record for the month of May of 72,261 MW on May 20. The grid's all-time peak was 85,508 MW on Aug. 10, 2023.

    Analysts expect ERCOT electric use will top that all-time high this summer with economic and population growth in Texas and demand for power from data centers, artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency mining rising fast.


    High temperatures in Houston, the biggest city in Texas, were forecast to rise from 92 degrees Fahrenheit (33.3 Celsius) on Thursday to 99 F on May 27, according to meteorologists at AccuWeather. The normal high in Houston at this time of year is 88 F.

    Over the next week, ERCOT projected supplies would exceed demand by as much as 42,500 MW during the morning of May 26 when the sun starts to energize solar panels and by as little as 6,600 MW in the evening of May 24 after the sun goes down and solar panels stop working.

    This crypto shit is going to fuck us all this summer.

    • Rage+1 1
  6. On 5/22/2024 at 2:26 PM, BrazilHorn said:

    Not a recommendation but more a "WTF"

    Why does Netflix think that J Lo is the right person to play some super smart data analyst that turns into a mecha fighting expert in some dystopian future?

    Has to be the least convincing casting since Cruise played "Jack Reacher"



  7. 3 hours ago, WBT said:

    I keep thinking there will be a Rinos strike back at some point.

    2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    There won't be.  The Nazi party will never de-Nazify.  Stop hoping that it will.

    Stop hoping that Repuglicans will ever come to their senses.

    The only thing they hate worse than libtards is losing to the libtards.

    Think about all of the Republican on Republican attacks we've seen over the last year, complete with the House Speaker batshittery.  

    When Trump loses again, shit will go down within the GQP - either it will be vicious and brief and Trumpanzees will be purged from leadership positions, or they'll try to give Trump a pseudo-victory lap, with the understanding that he and his family is out of power.  They aren't going to let a Trump hang around and emptying the RNC coffers for another four years after he loses this November - the down-ballot Republicans will revolt.  He will be the first Republican in a while to have his term book-ended by 8-year stretches of Democrats in the White House.  And the BMDs ain't going to let one of his sons, whether it's Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum, take over.



    • Hook 'Em 4
  8. 4 hours ago, Blotto said:

    There's a lot on the line regarding whether or not this company makes it. All those dildos walking around all day with earbuds in talking obnoxiously loud could really use this to accessorize their look and finally attain certified self-important douchebag status. 

    What about people walking through crowds, with their earbuds in talking obnoxiously loud  and saying things like

    • "if you're going to whack a rival, don't kill him in front of his family because that's in bad taste and I'm not going to support it and neither are the other bosses"
    • "No, I don't have the target in sight, you say he has the item in a backpack with a water bottle in the side pocket? What's the radius on that thing again if we find him? Do we need to clear the entire block or just get people across the street before it happens?"
    • "Look, I respect the fact that you are a doctor and by all accounts a fine surgeon, but if you are unable to do the penis reduction surgery, my wife and girlfriends are going to leave me because they are tired of having to use crutches the next day" 
    • "I make $10 million a year from filming my kid doing toy unboxing videos on YouTube, and another $5 million a year filming my wife for OnlyFans, so if you can think of another revenue stream that is as easy as spending a few hours a week filming my kid or my wife, I'm all ears."
    • "Look, I told Biden that Putin just likes to make empty threats to appease his people - I know he said he was going to drop a nuke on <insert whatever city you happen to be in> but I wouldn't be here if I thought he was serious.  Tell Joe that I'm in <insert whatever city you happen to be in> right fucking now.  I'm not worried about Putin."
    • "No, don't break his legs - we need him able to start in September against the Cowboys.  Break his wife's legs instead.  He'll get the picture."
  9. 4 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    I have friends who would drop everything at a moment's notice to help me, no questions asked.  They are generous, donate to charities, and are raising what seem to be solid, well-adjusted children.  They are also almost assuredly voting for Trump.  Does this make them "bad?"

    My parents would give up their lives in a second for those that they love.  The household we grew up in was full of warmth and love and is the example I am trying to replicate for my family.  They are also almost assuredly voting for Trump.  Does this make them "bad?"

    I have brilliant co-workers who are phenomenal at building up a team, always make sure to share credit, and thrive in a culturally diverse work environment.  They are also almost assuredly voting for Trump.  Does this make them "bad?"

    3 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    What if we replace "bad" with "idoit" -  does that work?

    "Dangerously ignorant" is the term I would use (and have done so).  People will argue (and rightfully so) that these types who vote for Trump, who are normally good/generous, are just as bad as the "bad" Trump voters because the end result is the same - a vote for Trump is still a vote for Trump.

  10. The deep state wants to control your money so they can control YOU.

    The government should never be able to see how Americans spend their money or have the ability to turn off their spending power when they see fit.

    The idea of a Central Bank Digital Currency is terrifying!

    That’s why I’m supporting the CBDC Anti Surveillance State Act to BAN CBDCs.


    I bet she couldn't explain what all of that does if somebody put her on the spot.

  11. 2 hours ago, Snake Diggity said:

    I think there’s a common misconception that when Trumpism inevitably dies, the GOP will do some kind of pendulum swing back to the party of Eisenhower and anyone who openly supported Trumpism will be denigrated and cast out.  In my opinion that is extremely unlikely.  Yes, they might (MIGHT) embrace less destructive policies/candidates, but theyll just shrug off Trumpists as a blip and not-representative, without at all alienating those voters.  They may not pander to the crazies, but they’ll do enough to keep them in the fold.

    5 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    The old guard in the gop will move quickly to squash out all the upper level maga gqp, asap

    they’ll want to get back control of the checkbook and then start building up the war chest 

    4 hours ago, Willfully Horn said:

    Disagree with your final sentence somewhat because I think the gop endgame is to literally dismantle the constitution to stay in power. I don’t disagree that the average MAGA crowd lacks organizational ability, just that the trajectory of the party will substantially be any different.

    Trump is hurting the down-ballot candidates, both in terms of negative publicity and making the public weary of Republicans, but also in terms of finances.

    Republicans/Republicans are having fundraising issues here and there, not helped that Trump is trying to drain not only the RNC's coffers, but the down-ballot coffers by charging them a percentage if they want to use his likeness or endorsement.  Republican Presidential candidates in the past understood that you need to support down ballot candidates and they need to support you, because politics is local and stuff.  Those down ballot candidates are the ones filling out school boards, and they are the county dog catchers, city council members, etc. who are actually on the ground at the local level and walking the block and knocking on doors and talking to their Bible study groups and shaking hands at the Gold Corral to get voters out.

    When Trump loses again, there will be a real fight for power.  Just like in college football, BMDs don't like tossing large sums of money at losers, and Trump, Three Toes, Boobert, Gym Jordan, Butthead, Doctor Feelgood, Comer Pyle, etc. will be on thin ice if they keep backing Trump.  The GQP has course-corrected in the past when a strategy didn't win, and they will do so again, especially when the nutters mentioned above, as well as all of the others who are anti-abortion (and anti-contraception) won't shut the fuck up about abortion and contraception.

    People like Nikki are hedging their bets on the slim chance that Trump wins, but when he loses, the batshit Republicans wanting a theocracy better watch their corn holes and not stop at any toll booths.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Snake Diggity said:

    That lady has zero place in the GOP; WAY too introspective, intelligent, and reasonable.  She seems smart enough to figure it out soon enough.

    She's an old school Republican that knew how to work the religious nuts up in the primaries, but she was still able to read the room and know when to back off so that it didn't hurt the Republicans in the general elections.

  13. 4 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    I watched 30 seconds of white people standing around in a shitty yard and gave up.  What happened?

    She basically admitted that she was suspicious of Hispanic people and that they are the only illegals here (ignoring Elon Musk and Co.).

    Well, she openly admitted it - she saw no need to ask for the documentation of the white guy because she could see he was white, it was just the Hispanics.

    • Rage+1 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I think back to that Senate hearing where all these fucking olds tried to take down Zuckerberg and he just toyed with them. These politicians can barely turn on a computer and are the wrong people to challenge these assholes.

    Now with AI, who the fuck is gonna step up and do something about this? Who can successfully challenge the authority of people like Elon, Zuckerberg, Altman, etc.? 

    If you want to challenge those three, ask them where the clit on a woman is.

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