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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. So that certainly was true pre-2020, but if you watched him tonight (and really since he announced his candidacy) it’s obvious that he’s lost his fastball. That man is going through it.
  2. There’s no way he can survive 8+ more months of this.
  3. *eyeroll so hard they fall out of my head* He is solidifying the lead that he always has had and was always going to have. Although it is funny that we've progressed from "Democrats made us vote for Trump in the general" to "Democrats made us vote for Trump in the primary."
  4. Show your work. Who wasn't going to already vote for him that will now?
  5. What do we think: worse day for most of these NYPD than 9/11?
  6. It's either a late April Fools joke fail or somehow related to this: https://www.reuters.com/legal/elon-musk-seeks-end-258-billion-dogecoin-lawsuit-2023-04-01/
  7. Unfortunately there's nobody left to man the hoses, they're all attending the rally.
  8. As posted in the Tennessee thread, it's even worse. You can literally assault teenage girls and stay as long as you have an R by your name.
  9. 95% of the country’s current political climate problems would go away instantly if we 1) eliminated gerrymandering and 2) reversed the Citizens United decision. I know that doesn’t really answer what YOU can do, but these are the areas causing our issues, if you feel like brainstorming.
  10. I find the constant emphasis on "SOMEONE ELSE'S PLAYERS!!" tiresome. Ignoring that by all accounts Rodney Terry has a history of strong recruiting, there hasn't been a coach in three-plus decades that has struggled to recruit to this program. Shaka Smart was lighting bags of dog shit on fire on national TV and still snagging top-10 prospects. (The argument is even wilder when you look at this roster and realize that that the o/u on players drafted would probably hover around 1.) If the argument is that Rodney will only succeed if he has a talented roster, well 1) history shows that won't be a problem and 2) having the team perform at or above their talent level has been the biggest issue with our program back to the Barnes' days.
  11. Jon Stewart sorta touched on this a bit in his recent viral interview, but the biggest tell that Republicans don't believe any of the shit they spew is to look at any scenario where a kid is caught with a gun in school and DOESN'T carry out a school shooting. When this happens, while the solutions are varied, the reaction is consistent among all sides of the political spectrum. This is bad, how could they let this happen, needs to be fixed, etc. There's nobody who suggests that the school was in fact safer that day by the addition of another gun. There's nobody who is asking why the student brought the gun and suggesting it was going to be used for protection. The mere presence of a gun on school grounds is universally viewed as a threat when there are no political points to be scored. The "more guns is the key to safety" only emerges when Republicans are forced to justify their inaction. Fuck 'em all.
  12. Given the circumstance, "30 days in jail OR $1000" is an unintentionally hilarious punishment.
  13. Preview of Trump on Tuesday.
  14. Thousands of years from now when aliens are trying to recreate our language, Trump's use of punctuation will set them back decades.
  15. Making sure @0xdeadbeef sees this. There is nothing, NOTHING, that can be done to pull these guys away from the Republican party. And worrying that there is a significant segment of the population that thinks "I didn't vote for him last time but now I will because he has been found guilty of crimes" is broken brain shit. Hold the motherfucker accountable, period.
  16. Fucking dying at Dusty (correctly) determining Chas > Meyers is the way to go for an entire playoff run, but not for Opening Day. Dude just loves to stir the pot.
  17. Case in point, fucking yesterday:
  18. Well, for starters, every car already has a registered owner. If you would like guns to be treated/regulated like cars, I'd be happy to settle for that compromise. More importantly, a car's main purpose is transportation, not destruction. Yes, cars can cause harm when used against their original purpose, but nobody purchases a car intending to do harm. Even when used for perfectly innocent behavior, a gun is never used for anything other than to destroy something. Pretending that guns are comparable to anything else in our world is the reason we cannot properly tackle this issue.
  19. In my perfect world, every gun has a registered owner and the owner (as well as perpetrator, obviously, if different) is held liable for any crime committed with that gun. Kid takes Dad's gun to school and kills 6 people, Dad is charged with 6 counts of murder. Car is stolen with a gun loose in the backseat and then said gun is later used to rob a bank? Tough luck, the owner of the car is now considered a bank robber. For 99.9% of cases, truly responsible gun owners would never notice a difference. But Chuckie?!? What if a locksmith robs my house and breaks into my gun safe and then commits a crime??? That 0.1% should make you question how badly you really need this gun, IMO. Now, I don't need experts explaining why this would never work in our society... I get it. But I do tend to think that if there were REAL consequences attached to irresponsible gun use, it may curb some of the insane behavior in this country.
  20. The right doesn't want us to focus on the guns, they want us to focus on the shooter and transgenders... so let's oblige for a minute. We have an entire political party laser focused on dismantling any sort of care for transgender individuals. You have folks dead set on labeling it as a mental illness but also doing everything in their power to ensure that this "illness" is not properly treated. We obviously don't know the entire story with the Nashville individual, but it's not hard to connect the dots that his parents enrolled him in this religious school against his will and that resentment eventually fueled Monday's events. We have an entire group of people being treated as less than human, villainized by everyone with a mouth on one side of the aisle. This is being followed by increased efforts to search for religious "fixes" (or straight up denial) instead of proper medical treatment. By doing this, Republicans are purposefully and intentionally creating the exact type of individual (ostracized, misunderstood, lonely) who traditionally carries out mass shootings, while also ensuring that these individuals will face little to no roadblocks in purchasing weapons that can carry out these deadly acts. We can have the transgender conversation, but it still leads back to the same fucking people causing the problem.
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