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Everything posted by uoftorange

  1. Sincere question: Didn't the Rangers ALSO win the division? I mean it's a tie. So I'm assuming they are raising a banner for it next year, right? And I don't really care how anyone chooses to celebrate. Hope they had a great time. Glad they lost the next day.
  2. I searched the thread and couldn't find it, so apologies if this has been asked before I have the Bio Bidet Bliss BB2000. The remote has to come off the wall to work with it pointed at the receiver. Anyone else have this issue? It's mounted about 2 feet above and 1.5 feet forward of the sensor. Been talking back and forth with Bio Bidet. They keep hemming and hawing saying that it's not necessarily meant to work on the wall. That seems like a bunch of BS and a terrible design for something so pricey. I can't just use it in my hand either, has to be pointed at the sensor to work. So after troubleshooting they told me I needed to send it in (I bought in mid July and installed Sept 8), and pay to ship it to them. Seems kind of F'd up. So I finally got them to pay for the shipping but I'm without a bidet for 2 weeks after I ship it. They did send me a new regular seat though. Seems super odd not to just send me a replacement and ship this back to them. And now I have to find a box because I stupidly didn't keep this one. So, my question is: Does anyone else with this model have to take the remote off the wall for it to work?
  3. Can someone explain to me how this works? Sucking intentionally at my job would get me fired, not a contract extension
  4. The catcher has the absolute best view around. They should know something like 99% of the time with 100% certainty that it's a ball or a strike
  5. I don't know what that just was from Framber but holy hell that was filthy
  6. That's even more reason to give it to Altuve. It was on those guys to get us further. When it's been on Altuve, he has performed every single time
  7. Yep, it's : 1. Altuve 2. Bagwell 3. Biggio 4. Berkman 5-8 are this era Astros mixed with Nolan who is probably 7. Springer, Correa, Bregman 9. Jose Cruz 10. Oswalt We could argue about 4-10 but no way is 1-3 wrong When the other two have 2 WSs and gone 4 times we can talk. Counting stats go to B&B but they go to Drysdale over Koufax too.
  8. I'm with Putt on this one. The jackets were bad ass. A bunch of whiny old fucks, same people that worry about what another man wears, didn't like them. Unfortunately Brady and the Patriots were just a better team. That happens. Doesn't change that the team was working to create an identity and trying to remember old school hard work when you played the game just because it got you some ass and you loved it wasn't the issue.
  9. About to replace the kitchen at the beginning of next year. My wife is set on Monogram stuff, anyone have experience with them? I know it's GE's high end and it has great reviews. I will say I just replaced an LG dryer with a SpeedQueen DR7004WE and it's incredible. I'll be buying the matching washer as well.
  10. Longest I've sat is 8 hours, and that was with a very slow artist, I was getting chills at the end of it, but never tapped. He got tired instead. Pretty sure I had <30 minutes left in me before I shut down. About to start with my left arm completing the sleeve to go with my right sleeve
  11. I've been busy. I also built a kennel under the stairs for the dogs. We had a pretty nice one that was next to the couch (for sale btw), but it meant you couldn't walk around both sides of it, and took up so much space. The inside edge of the door needs another coat of paint, and caulk the new quarter round at the joints, but that's happening today. Otherwise I'm done. I cut the hole to the right, then realized that the space in the middle was a load bearing beam. I should have freaking known, it was very obvious if I had been thinking about it. But I think it actually worked out really well because it gives more light in there for them. Drywalled the interior and painted it the same color as the walls outside it. Found two dog beds that together fit pretty much perfectly. Hard to tell from the pics but it's huge in there. We have two smaller dogs so they have tons of space to chill
  12. Interestingly, maybe only to me, I just did a full bathroom remodel as well. Half bath downstairs. Remodel isn't going to be for everyone, but we love it. I'm a big fan of that 1920s style, but can't really do my whole house like it. My wife wanted to wall paper something. I loathe wallpaper. But I relented if we got to go with an old school style I didn't take any before pictures, but it was simple. These are before we moved in. We changed the mirror, toilet, rug and wall color, but otherwise it was pretty simple. I build the vanity out of hard wood from scratch. Built the custom exhaust fan cover as well. Checklist of what I did: -Wallpapered the entire room -Removed and replaced the floor -Built the vanity, added handles, installed the counter and sink -New Faucet -New Mirror -Removed the old over mirror light to be side by side lights -Installed the outlet for the bidet, installed the bidet (BB2000) -Installed new hand towel and toilet paper holder -Got a new picture for the wall, found a photographer I liked and they did an aluminum print for me. -Replaced the outlets and switches with black Lutron Caseta's (whole house is smart). Still need to find a new rug, And find a way to hide the bidet cord a bit more. Also need to adjust the cabinet doors a tiny bit to get them completely level. Adjusting hinges is always a pain in the ass. I bought the black BB2000 remote, installing that today instead.
  13. Better than just playing the victim forever. Good for her
  14. And right down the middle of the plate to everyone else
  15. My least favorite list: 1. Russ Springer, good God he sucked 2. Ausmus, worthless catcher before Maldy was a worthless catcher. Overrated at every skill. At least he hit for a few seasons. 3. Maldanado - not the person, and it's not his fault Dusty keeps throwing him out there, but damn does he suck 4. I really hated Marwin until that home run off of Jansen. Still not a fan overall. Was way to cocky for the skillset he brought to the game. 5. Orland Palmerio, just worthless and constantly brought off the bench to fail Hate: Mike Fiers, fuck you forever Mike Carlos Gomez - He sucked
  16. Not a one of you can handle that woman. But best of luck to you trying haha
  17. I think I would absolutely go insane if my wife did the "why are you interrupting me" bit. That's some crazy ass stuff there My wife does have a habit of yelling from the other room "What do you want me to do with this?" Like somehow I know what she's talking about and can see it from the other room. When I say that though I get told "just look". Again, not in the same room with her. So instead of saying "what do you want me to do with this paperwork from the doctor that is on the counter?" I'm supposed to get up and come look at it. Because clearly that's the easiest way to handle what's going on... To make it more of a fun game, about 70% of the time I've already explained to her what exactly to do with it, typically more than once. Luckily she has spectacular tits, makes a lot of money and has a higher sex drive than I do. So I got that going for me...
  18. Singleton is already twice the 1B in the field that Abreu is
  19. One guy being an asshole doesn't make them bad with the media on the whole. Before that the Astros were an absolute media darling
  20. Not to mention that they weren't really that bad with the media before getting caught sign stealing. And given the bullshit that was made up, and the scapegoat they made, and are still making, the Astros into I don't blame them.
  21. There isn't a single GM in all of sports that ever tells the full truth or even half of it. This weird expectation that they do, or will, bottles my mind. And Dana isn't really lying about any of that. He's telling you what the present answer is or what he needs someone else to believe to get what the team needs. Example: saying we're likely out of the Starting Pitcher market before getting Verlander. He said that to drive the Mets to pay more of the contract. And there is nothing wrong with that. Shit changes, especially with injuries and trade deadlines. Luhnow never told the truth about injuries either, and Click was even worse. There is zero advantage to the FO telling anyone their business. He's telling the other GMs what he wants them to hear. I really don't get why anyone cares what the GM has to say. It's his job to do, not say. So far I think he did just fine with Graveman and Verlander in his first real chance to do. And he said we were looking for RPs and SPs from the beginning, we got both. Saying we might want a bat too is smart business so people know to come ask. Brantley probably has been close to coming back multiple times. He's doing what he can with a bad hand dealt to him. He doesn't control Dusty, but will the next guy once Dusty retires after the season. I mean what's he supposed to do? Throw Dusty under the bus? How idiotic would that be to do that to a legend in your first year as a GM?
  22. I'm a very lucky man there now. I'm an aggressive, but not dangerous driver. I grew up in Houston, have driven a ton in Mexico and some in India, I know how to freaking drive and drive well. My ex could never shut up, slammed the floor, got mad, but when I said "do you want to drive" she would say "no, you're a good driver" then go right back to that shit. My wife now loathes driving, says she'd have a driver if she ever got wealthy enough to do so. She has never once said a word to me, even when she maybe should have. It's glorious. I've complimented her on it and she just says "you're driving, I don't have to, I'm not saying a damn word ever to you so that we can keep that going"
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