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Everything posted by threesheets

  1. If he's talking about the one in Hermleigh, so have I. Many times. It's an oasis.
  2. If you're 100% against trading Smith then you should be calling for Rick's job, because that's where this is coming from. He's seen enough of DSJ to know whether or not he can make it here. And I'd bet he felt this way even before Luka.
  3. I truly love it when Troy reminds people how good he was. MF'ers just don't know.
  4. threesheets

    Dallas | BBQ

    I've been to Ferris Wheeler's. It was a few weeks after they opened so I almost don't want to comment (I left my thoughts on Shaggy originally). The beans and hand breaded okra are delicious. It was obvious the beans had spent a fair amount of time in the smoker. That's all I got.
  5. I always thought it was weird that they would choose to throw something as expensive as batteries.
  6. All that. Well except the part about the ending sucking. As the seasons went by I started to think the show would end with a "life goes on" moment, like Tony picking up the paper and the camera focusing in on his face as he gives another beaten down look that shows the weight of the world still on his shoulders. So when it ended the way it did, I wasn't too disappointed.
  7. Holy shit I'm crying reading that to the tune of the song. Please tell me you tweeted that at him.
  8. Unnecessary. But I guess we're all in for one helluva a damn treat.
  9. I'm not trying to start beef or anything, but isn't what happened at the end whatever you want it to be? People go back and forth like there's an actual answer to the question.
  10. Yeah, you'll find me there.
  11. I love how they think God has a favorite country and it's definitely America.
  12. This is the real-life equivalent of a movie scene where the desperate criminal grabs some poor woman (federal workers) at the end of a long chase and puts a gun to her head. Always ends well for the criminal right?
  13. Pho, sub shredded cabbage for the noodles and get extra meat.
  14. I missed that too. If he's supposed to wear it every day on press row that shit is going to get old quick.
  15. I didn't realize it was a tip of the cap to an old model. I'll shut up now.
  16. I'm probably overdoing it, but the progressive rear signal lights on late model Mustangs get on my nerves.
  17. My favorite "sports" movie ever. Lots of tear-jerk moments in that one, for me none bigger than the scene on the sidewalk after they return the stolen sausage to the butcher.
  18. Btw, that's was Chicago's new and improved version of Baby It's Cold Outside.
  19. Same here. I've listened to that cover of Stay the Night about 20 times.
  20. I haven't figured out posting videos from my gd phone, sorry.
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