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Everything posted by faps

  1. I couldn't even finish that season. Loved season 1 through 3, and this one so far though.
  2. Jon Hamm started episode 2 off almost word for word like No Country started. I fuckin love this already.
  3. He had a whole season to show what he could do. I guess he improved along the way, but not enough, imo, to get another year. Too many other good young drivers that could be promoted from F2 or wherever. Speaking of, how the hell does HAAS roll with their two guys? You'd think they'd want some youth in at least one of the seats.
  4. Would be funny if they don't bring Sargeant back considering how supportive and adamant Vowles has been saying he is def coming back next year. And about the Max laps led record, I suppose there is always next year. Not sure if I can handle another Max domination tour.
  5. The turf looks like green painted concrete, essentially what it was I guess. What a beast.
  6. Yeah, but they made sure to kick all the fans out first. lol https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/f1-fans-removed-from-grandstands-ahead-of-delayed-vegas-fp2/10547613/
  7. Fuckin go kart track in comparison.
  8. Ced B always got up slow too.
  9. I am interested too. That sphere actually appeals to me, and I wouldn't mind seeing a concert there. Other than that thing I don't really care about Vegas. The race is looking like the temps will be in the 40's, now that will be interesting. How some cars are so circuit dependent is always wild to me, Aston was nowhere the last couple of races. Was fucking awesome to see Nando showing off his defensive driving skills yet again. I think I might have to go watch the last laps of the 2005 San Marino GP now...
  10. Checo has been holding on too tight, he's lost the edge.
  11. "The Sebring of the West", may as well embrace the bumps or include enough in the budget to mill and inlay the entire surface every year.
  12. Stroll's only redeeming value to me is the free hat with the LS logo I got from sitting in his grandstand in Montreal. Keeps the sweat out of my eyes when I mow my lawn. So Stroll>Ocon for that alone. But Ocon seems to be a moron on top of being an asshole too. https://www.racefans.net/2023/10/10/ocon-kill-me-before-withdraw-f1-race/
  13. There was a poll??! I missed it gd.
  14. Just put Daniel in that seat and give Lawson the AT drive next year.
  15. Who from a current team is gonna get poached to be team principal, like Seidel to Audi or is Michael Andretti the tp?
  16. We still needed about 6 pallets of sod to fix the areas they did fuck up. This is just a good angle.
  17. Made a quick and dirty time lapse of ours from our security cam. Photos are from May 24th - Sept 23rd.
  18. He was laughing at Max at the weigh-in after that Brazil race too. Skinny little douche should've taken a fist to the chicklets.
  19. I much prefer the look of the M240i over the new M2. Something about the new one just looks off to me. Being the owner of a 2020 M2C, I am somewhat biased.
  20. I was sorta hoping this Beetlejuice had a Broadway show.
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