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Everything posted by UTHornFan014

  1. I like me some Framber (dude is battler), but James potential has me standing at full attention
  2. Back to back Ks - Chance for the Angels to get out of it
  3. Angels just walked the bases loaded with no outs. Not liking where this is going.
  4. Not really - Hit a soft liner for a single and had a bad news bears style bloop double (helped out by some iffy defense). But it is better than multiple strike outs/double plays
  5. Well... That was more stressful than expected
  6. Serious question... If we win the division can we forfeit home field advantage in the 1st round?
  7. Now we need the Rays to take 2 out of 3 this weekend
  8. I don't think they stole the A's game from us (as I think they got that call right), but I sure as shit think they stole this game from us
  9. I feel like he has been taking every day off (at the plate) since he came back. Maybe this will help him get his head right
  10. Happy for the win, but here are my random complaints: 1) Devo is the new Giles. I'm getting to the point where I think he will be left off the playoff roster. 2) I can't stand Correa's approach at the plate. He'd much rather swing at a pitch that bounces in front of home plate than the grooved first pitches down the middle.
  11. And here I was thinking it was them jerking off two guys at once
  12. I can't believe Springer tried to go 1st to 3rd on that. He had barely gotten to 2nd base when the CF was coming up with the ball. Frustrating, but we probably wouldn't have scored anyways considering Correa didn't feel like swinging the bat.
  13. Ugh... I hate when we give up walks after being up in the count 0-2. Shit always catches up with you
  14. That was the most piss poor display of hitting with runners on base... And we somehow won. Props to Valdez for being effectively wild and picking up his first win!
  15. Not liking the look of this one. You can't gift them a hit like that...
  16. Fucking hell... We've blown 2 games in the 9th in the last 5 days. And it seems like we either struggle to score 3 or we score 10+. Can't we just start scoring 5 or 6 runs every game?
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