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Everything posted by shnsajax

  1. He was 26th on mlb.com (which I know isn't the best place to look) and having a decent looking season. But only threw 45 innings between 2019-2021.
  2. I was hoping for him and Happ to go to Seattle for a package.
  3. shnsajax

    USMNT 2022

    This is official
  4. I mean there wasn't a lack in trying to pay them, and Rendon leaving was a blessing in disguese for them. Our ownership fucking sucks!
  5. shnsajax

    USMNT 2022

    Malik Tillman getting the start today for Rangers in a Champions League qualifier.
  6. shnsajax

    USMNT 2022

    L Tri 1 year ago today.
  7. shnsajax

    USMNT 2022

    Pefok in his Union Berlin debut.
  8. shnsajax

    USMNT 2022

    Guess he’s not going to Spurs this window.
  9. shnsajax

    USMNT 2022

    Gio with the start today for Dortmund.
  10. Spain will probably charge him for tax evasion after not paying taxes on the full contract amount after they reduce his wage.
  11. shnsajax

    MLS 2022

    Sacramento Republic just knocked off SKC to make the US Open final vs Orlando. They shouldn't be treated as the underdog either.
  12. I would go south unless a visit to Ft George is a priority.
  13. Lots to pick from, what do you like?
  14. How the fuck did Dybala go to Roma on a free transfer? Maybe I am over valuing him, but still Roma w Mou in charge?
  15. Still a number of Tottenham rumors over the past 24 hours for Weston. It pleases me that Conte is so hard for him.
  16. Been wondering what was up with McKennie not playing in Dallas since he was on the roster at game time. Juve even tweeted a cartoon pic of him promoting the game.
  17. I feel the violent urge to take a castiron pan to JD Vance's face.
  18. Also appears to be some movement behind this
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