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Bash Riprock

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Everything posted by Bash Riprock

  1. I started to dislike her when Ben Shapiro invited her to a Debate. He said he would donate 10k to her favorite charity. She said the invitation was a form of 'Cat-calling'. JFC. Nut job. That is the Democratic Party ladies and gentlemen.
  2. i havent been selling in 6 months. need to get back to doing it. its therapeutic.
  3. Breaking- Jussie Smollett tried to prank call himself, kept getting busy signal.
  4. Son makes a short doc on his dad's facebook addiction. his dad has an 'arsenal' of memes for facebook fights.
  5. https://old.reddit.com/r/DiWHY/
  6. 6-2. First homer for the Red Raiders.
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