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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. Jesus dude, unless she's doogie howser, I'm assuming she's an adult and has somehow managed to make it into the spring semester all on her own in a foreign country (I know it's Canada but still). He should certainly be concerned as any father would be, but it's not like we have a preschooler lost in the woods after dark.
  2. With all this talk of 401k plans and the market being down, now's a good time to see if your plan allows a mega backdoor Roth. Google the term for the specifics but the short explanation is you contribute after tax dollars to a plan and then immediately convert them to Roth. Makes sense if you're already hitting the 19.5 k pretax max and were already going to be able investing after tax amounts- might as well get that in a Roth and tax free forever. Your plan has to allow it but if it does the big custodians can typically accommodate. Fidelity even has it on auto pilot so it automatically converts after tax amounts the moment it hits so you avoid any tax liability.
  3. Seems the rape the farmer's daughter package at the original Westworld was a big seller, as we've already run across two folks who purchased it. Coincidentally, they're both dead.
  4. Ex still wants to take the kids to Florida next week to stay at her parents' vacation place. Her elderly alcoholic parents that undoubtedly have liver issues. I'm not saying I'm wishing bad things on people, even if they were consistently assholes to me, because I'm mature and have outgrown that stuff. But sometimes shit might just happen and it's out of my hands ..
  5. If every day you doubled the number of people that don't understand exponential growth, in a month there'd be hundreds.
  6. A tale as old as time. Young bright kid arrives on campus with dreams of getting a 4.0 in an in demand degree. Discovers pussy and beer and says fuck it, liberal arts will do for now. Source, graduated (eventually) with history major.
  7. Kind of like how the perfect country music song needs trains, mama and prison, this post lacks any reference to firearms. But it is quite good.
  8. I know New Orleans cops aren't the brightest, but can someone please proofread releases from the official account?
  9. I want to stay in, wife wants to go, kids want to go. So we're going to go, keep our distance, and keep it short. I've told her this can't become a regular thing. Haven't been married long, have you?
  10. Some day science will come up with a cheap, safe and effective solution for soft cock syndrome, but until then rhino horn and shark fin will have to do.
  11. Ex wife gets the kids for spring break starting next week and still plans to take them to Florida. I mean, I'm not that worried about the kids because they're young and healthy, but what kind of a selfish narcissist with no concern for others risks spreading shit in times like this? Oh, never mind, I know what kind. Flight leaves Saturday so I've got to guess shit is locked down by then.
  12. State of emergency would certainly go to validity of public purpose, but the state couldn't just say, for example, all women but no men have curfew absent some clear showing that only women are carriers of the virus. And that's for gender, which only gets intermediate scrutiny IIRC. But as I stated unless bar owners are disproportionately minority or some other protected class so they could argue disproportionate impact, they really don't have much of a case.
  13. Bar owners aren't a protected class subject to higher scrutiny. As long as the actions are rationally related to a government purpose (such as public health) they'll be constitutional. Disclaimer- am a lawyer but it's been over two decades since I took constitutional law. I'm sure twicehorn can correct me or expand.
  14. I have no doubt AA works but I've always questioned any specific numbers about how successful any program is, especially if it relies on self reported numbers. Active alcoholics tend to lie a lot, recovered ones tend to tell the truth. Both will say they're not drinking. Kind of hard to separate the two in studies.
  15. Is it assumed lran backed groups are behind the latest attack? If so, what's the game plan for them- going through a pandemic digging mass graves while simultaneously poking the bear? I get that the leadership of Iran is not the most rational group when viewed from a western perspective, but this seems to go against the basic human instinct of surviving/hanging on to power.
  16. I avoided Costco yesterday and just hit my local Cub (think Kroger's of the Midwest, no HEBs here) and it was like a nursing home had just let out. I'm 50 and I brought the average age in the place way down. I think I saw armybrat's dad. These people are fucked if they're out and about in this shit.
  17. So I assume that 24MM figure is just that he stole game pieces worth that amount. How much did he actually pocket? Seems that Colombo and the eventual "winners" were getting their cut too but I forget the actual numbers of that deal.
  18. On one hand, he's rich, has a nice boat and works with Goldman, on the other he's an Okie. I'm legitimately torn, but my dumbass is staying in- it worked for me (eventually) in 2008. To be clear, I certainly don't doubt he's right and the market will go lower but I'll never know when to get back in.
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