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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. Dude comes across as pretty self deprecating and can laugh at himself. I like him, but definitely think working with him would be better in small doses.
  2. A few weeks of cold weather is no problem but by February you're ready to gnaw your arm off to escape. Plus at those northern latitudes you don't think about how short the days are in the winter until you've lived through it. Seasonal affective disorder is a bitch.
  3. If I recall, you're pretty young. Keep making periodic contributions to a cheap index fund and check it when you turn 50.
  4. If you're into cold weather, high taxes and an insular culture, you'll love it. I've even got a house to sell you in 3 years when my youngest graduates and I GTFO. As far as the OP, I love Fort Collins. I would say Denver but damn if that's not getting Austin level for traffic.
  5. Yeah, what crash said. No kids, second time cheating, this should be a piece of cake as far as divorced go. Unless you were literally pimping her out I can't see how you get any guilt. If you're truly feeling that, go read "no more Mr. Nice guy".
  6. Phrasing. Let's not @Nowthis whole thread up.
  7. "Once she applies, the rules state she must not have been out of the country for more than 270 days in the past three years, or 90 days in the previous month." She should have no problem meeting that second one, at least.
  8. I'll welcome Harry to his initial support group for former spouses of cluster B personality disorder once the time comes. And it's gonna come, the only question is when. Here are 2 main moves of cluster b's-1) always have to be the center of attention, and 2) do whatever it takes to separate their target from friends, family and support groups so they can be easily manipulated. Sound familiar?
  9. This guy fucks. I've got 3 years left and I'm only doing that because I've got nothing better to do until my son graduates, the job is easy as hell and I like my coworkers. It helps that my boss knows I can and will haul ass if I ever got unhappy. It's very freeing and quite a change from my 20s and 30s where I felt that if I lost my job my family was going to be out on the street. Tldr- fuck you money is a lot less than you think if you've got simple tastes.
  10. Holy shit that simple jack trailer got me. Wasn't some version of that in the movie? I need to rewatch this comedic gem.
  11. The scene where Pitt and leo were watching TV and every comment was about the framing of the shot or the camera work cracked me up for some reason. Just 2 guys talking shop.
  12. I remember my dad at 67 saying he wanted to hike the continental divide trail before he got too old. I laughed at the time but now it makes sense.
  13. Turning 50 this month and feeling good. 47 was an absolute bitch but I was going through a divorce with 2 kids. Youngest graduates high school in 3 1/2 years and I'm already calculating what I can start doing on my bucket list before my body breaks down. I figure I better get on with the hike Appalachian trail or canoe Mississippi right away and leave learning to sail and RV around the US for mid to late 50s.
  14. No noisier than planting a few dozen acres of corn in nice neat rows as if by machine.
  15. Did not see one person selling tickets that day. It was incredible, really. You'd think two out of 90,000 people would take 1200 for their seat, but apparently nothing. I wonder what the going rate was for those that were able to scalp.
  16. If you're trying to get an NC at three different schools to show you're the greatest coach of your generation, you could do worse than a fully stocked helmet school that has shown they're willing to look the other way at indiscretions. Bitch slapping your former assistant that you don't like is just gravy.
  17. That's great and all but how long do you think it takes OU to hire urban if Lincoln leaves? That's about the absolute worst scenario I can imagine. I'd rather Riley just stay if that's the alternative.
  18. Didn't Cal unknowingly use his power to protect Angela the night she was attacked in her home?
  19. Fssnx. Great minds and all that shit. Of course, I don't have a fancy boat so following my strategies might not be your best bet.
  20. The union would obviously have to agree for it to happen, but they could do something like 50% of the first 500k a player gets each year is immediately invested in an index fund in the name of a trust for that player. Once they retire they can withdraw from it in accordance with required minimum distribution rules so it lasts their whole life. If they structure it correctly it can even be more tax efficient for the players. When does the pension kick in, something like 3 or 4 years of service? I imagine that's pretty good and all these allegedly broke guys are still getting enough from the pension to live a middle to upper middle class life.
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