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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. Fair point. I get that. Like I said Krause could have worked on his people skills.
  2. Ok, unpopular opinion by an old man yelling at clouds, but Pippen flat out said he exchanged money for long term security because he wanted to take care of his family. So he got the security, then he's bitching that he's underpaid after his career takes off. Sure it sucks for him that a top 5 player was getting the 122nd highest contract, but that's like me investing in 100% treasury bonds then bitching about a bull market. Having said that, the asshole GM could have handled the personal side of UT a little better
  3. I think you start the college documentary in 1979 w the magic/bird final four.
  4. Yeah, I've told my 15 year old son about the only way he can permanently fuck up his life at this stage is a felony or a pregnancy, so act accordingly. Need to add posting stupid shit on social media to the list.
  5. Not so sure entitlement is the right word for thread title. Stupid? Mos def.
  6. I'm torn on watching that video. On one hand, father time takes no prisoners and you want to remember the great ones at their prime. I wouldn't want to see present day Earl out there suited up trying to compete. On the other hand, it's a quarantine and Ive already lost billions of children to Ms. Brooke (sic). Fuck it, I'm in.
  7. Income unchanged but can't imagine December bonus will be strong. 401k pummeled like everyone else. All in all, can't complain, I'm doing better than most out there.
  8. To wulaw's point, how many here had heard of the pandemic of 1957 before this? 116,000 Americans died at a time when the population was half what it is now, so it would be equivalent to 230,000 today. My parents went through it as teenagers and I'd never heard of it. Without social media and constant news reports, people don't notice shit.
  9. My daughter just got her scores back from February and she over performed for her genetics to say the least. I'm trying to figure out if she's about to get really lucky in that she'll be part of a smaller than average group with a high score or really unlucky in that this is the year test scores are ignored.
  10. In 10 years there will be a flood of beer gutted guys in their late 20s telling us how they could have gone D1 in football if it hadn't have been for that damn pandemic. Covid 19 is going to be this generation's knee injury.
  11. I was just helping my son with some of his probability homework when I remembered reading of a clever game a gambling operator ran that gave a player even odds of the player rolling two dice to get a double 6 in 19 rolls. The average player thought he had the better of the deal with a 19/36 chance of winning or a 2.7% edge. Actually, the odds of not rolling a double 6 in 19 rolls is 1- (35/36 to the 19th power) or 58.55 so the house actually had a huge 8.55% edge. I know that gambling inherently takes advantage of players' lack of math skills, but this seemed a clever way to take advantage of people that knew just enough about math to make them actually think they had the edge. They'd keep playing figuring they were on a cold streak and all they had to do was wait for the law of large numbers to kick in. Anyway, not much point to the post other than I always found this type of shit fascinating.
  12. I might be talked into doing a Shirley Jackson style lottery for this. Roughly 1 in 165 chance of dying but if I don't I can have college football? Fuck it, I'm in.
  13. Holy shit. Thats gold. That's a back story we haven't agreed on.
  14. They make it sound like it was an accident- he reached for something to hold onto. Seems like that might be one of the key features in preflight orientation, "hey if you grab this you'll be a few thousand feet up with no plane".
  15. Getting downsized at 55 honestly seems like an awesome retirement plan. Grab that layoff payout and you can access your current employer's 401k plan penalty free if you retire at 55. Use those funds if you need them, otherwise Roth conversions while your income is low. I'm also 50 and have 3 years left until the youngest leaves the nest. I've run the numbers and staying on until 55 is what makes the most financial sense but I just can't do it. I'm going to be happy I took advantage of those two extra years of health (hopefully) when I had the chance.
  16. That's great for both of you, I bet with his sister considering her more expensive schools that will ease the pain considerably. How does all this apply to specific schools at UT work? Back in the stone age days I just remember applying generally to UT and then for certain upper grad things like business you'd have to apply after a couple of years of undergrad work. I think you had to apply right away for plan 2 but that's it. Do you apply to specific schools and each considers you? So you can have 3.9 w a 1500 SAT and you get rejected from computer science so you're screwed even if economics or history was also an option? And if you're accepted into liberal arts you can never break into another major if you change your mind after a year?
  17. This was an unusually mild winter for the Midwest, the one before was absolutely brutal. It's a crap shoot but your average February upper Midwest day is not something anyone wants to be running around in for 3 hours. There's a reason the big 10 traditionally shut down the regular season the Friday after Thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong, I couldnt give 2 shits about the big 10 but they and ND have significant pull and I don't see a season happening without their input.
  18. All this talk of a February start to the season makes me wonder if anyone has ever been to Big 10 country in the winter. I don't see how you get Mich, OSU and ND on board for that.
  19. This is very good advice. I'm trying to get my daughter comfortable with the concept of a safety school without making it seem like I don't believe she can get into her dream schools.
  20. Oh I'm resigned to the fact I'm going to gave to fill them out, just wondering how much aid is dependent on that and how many hoops are you jumping through?
  21. That makes sense, chit. I knew he had some high level scores. Not to muddy up the thread but as someone who went to UT when it was 500 per semester that has a 2021 grad about to go through this, how does all this grant money work? Do they just say hey you're accepted and your cost is 30k instead of 60? Do you have to fill out a FAFSA? I'm caught in that middle ground of not surly 1% where stroking a check for 60k per year wouldn't hurt but also make more than what admissions officers would consider needy. So surly middle class/American upper middle class.
  22. That's an odd combo. Kind of like where you see a football recruit is down to Bama, Clemson and Tech. Does MSU have some program he loves or something?
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