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Everything posted by theaveragejon

  1. Just a hick cutting a rug with a solo cup on his head.
  2. 1. Nick Adams isnt a real person. But his shit is awesome! 2. The 9.95s getting mad about getting played like a cartel is fucking amazing. I hope that never ceases. Fuck those double dickers, and they horse they rode in on.
  3. It’s entirely possible Quinn was just doing the VY, except in camp instead of games. Chill the first half, and then go the fuck off in the second.
  4. I am a big fan of their shit. I have two polos... But I am really eyeing a hoodie and Q zip soon. Deff. hope they bring back their masters collection so i can snag a few of those items.
  5. https://rhoback.com/products/the-horns-performance-polo?variant=39549304930387&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrs2XBhDjARIsAHVymmQXCK5_urQAlmZAVI0K_bXHrNNx2Hks9IZlFg-17RnVauUk3DBcYa0aAgWZEALw_wcB Here is the polo he's wearing. I got one over the summer when they did a restock. Pricy but it dope shit - and perfect gameday polo. They had another basically texas one but I haven't seen it back in a long minute.
  6. She definitely said kiss my cunt. Because nobody in their right mind is trying to baste that muffin.
  7. Plus he knows where all of Jimbo's dead bodies are buried.
  8. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/texas-sports-nation/college/article/Texas-Oklahoma-reach-out-to-SEC-about-joining-16330080.php?utm_campaign=CMS Sharing Tools (Premium)&utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral Just a year ago this aggy loser tried to nuke the inevitable. Paywall jumper: https://12ft.io/
  9. https://twitter.com/max_olson/status/1535272711815061506?s=21&t=g4fPqRqoFji69zBw4MDjLQ
  10. Not from Dallas area, and not a giant Texas Football high school fan. Why does he suck?
  11. Marco is just a fucking child. They say hey don’t do this - he has to go do the opposite of what they request because, goddamnit nobody tells him shit and what he has to do. That’s it. He’s fucked in the head.
  12. It’s like people refuse to acknowledge reality. Aggy is gearing up to do damage for a second year. Texas’ fate is completely in their own hands. Both realties can be true at the same time. We’re not hapless but starting out swimming up stream isn’t the best place to be.
  13. Yeah only thing is it took Kirby 7 of those classes to finally seal the deal. One won’t do it for aggy.
  14. Okay, now that ‘22 is wrapped up. How we doing over here…?
  15. I mean… that’s not saying much. May trip over that bar walking.
  16. You know when an accusation is laid at the feet of somebody and they go out of their way to call it bs, and your reaction is; well obviously it’s fuckin true if you’re trying that hard. Well that’s Jimbo.
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