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Everything posted by markstanco

  1. Good deal. More oxygen for the rest of us.
  2. Cant have this happen! ?????
  3. Well sure. Those cities aren’t a top 10 city in America in size.
  4. I talked to a sheriff deputy friend about this many years ago. It happens a lot where the innocent party in the crash grabs a dwi.
  5. As of new I believe it is us against VGK in the first round unless LAK gets 'em which they may.
  6. Augusta is about the same size as Lubbock. And they can’t widen that road in front of the club, it’s already narrow.
  7. That redirect was fucking nuts. But yea, hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in sports. While standing still. With shoes that make you stand still more better.
  8. How do you forget this? Weed? Meth? Did you shoot yourself in the face with a shotgun and lose most of your brain? Get it together man
  9. Including that badass apt he has in LA, cash, maybe a car? It’s got to be close to a million or 2. Unless usc was retarded for a Georgia player and gave more.
  10. So uphill slow, and downhill fast? Got it.
  11. I was in Canada goose hunting maybe 10 years ago. IIRC, a bottle of Yellowtail was around $40, and a case of beer was around $50. All the liquor stores were owned by the state/country, and most of the taxes were for healthcare from what I was told. Never looked in to it, so I could be wrong. Also, our guide asked us to all bring 5 cans of Copenhagen snuff since it was $20 a can there.
  12. Oh my goodness. How selfish.
  13. Obviously not a problem for him, but $20 Uber >>>> $15,000 DWI.
  14. I did the same, auto darkening lens for the win.
  15. I see 1956 on that site was the high average per hole on a lot of holes. I wonder if there was awful weather or just awful golfers.
  16. OMG he may fall completely out of the draft to UDFA now.
  17. Got to get up extra early. Let’s go boys, I’ll watch the 1st. Thanks NHL, appreciate the 9p start that isn’t west coast time. Fucking retards.
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