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Everything posted by alincoln

  1. No idea how England is going to deal with a defensively stout team attacking them at pace at every opportunity. It's not like England can just keep the ball like Spain did.
  2. Fucking nails is hitting a shit pen and getting lucky with the rebound? It was a dive.
  3. Sterling dive saves England. Pathetic
  4. LOL. Henderson for Rice.
  5. Definitely. With Sancho, Foden and Rashford on the bench with Henderson missing the deciding pen
  6. Sancho, Foden and Rashford just sitting on the bench against dead tired and bunkering opposition. He should bring in Henderson for Sterling and Trippier for Mount.
  7. Fergie would have thrown on the kitchen sink of attackers rather than have DMs shooting over the bar
  8. This ref hasn't been great
  9. Southgate thinking about the 5-3-2 he is going to play against Italy (replace Saka with Henderson).
  10. Pickford should have done better as well
  11. He keeps it very simple which Southgate likes. Either passes back or tries to dribble down the wing to either win a foul or put in a cross.
  12. Was England so much better going forward against Ukraine because they were playing Ukraine or because Sancho's movement was so much more unpredictable than Saka's and opened up the defense?
  13. Definitely shades of the 2006 WC here withy the SF and F flipped
  14. Italy going on lockdown
  15. Italy fucking gets on with it. Always trying to counterattack with speed which obviously exposes them when they turn it over but they keep going.
  16. I wonder what Spinazzola would have done in that situation.
  17. So selfish from Olmo. He should just dive again next time to at least win a free kick
  18. Taylor Twellman is such a beating.
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