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BrickHorn last won the day on November 10 2020

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  1. We made too many charity substitutions too early.
  2. I missed the first half but Harvey is crushing it in the second. Great effort on both his assist and goal.
  3. You’re right. I confused you with some of the fascist dipshits who post here. The implication was unwarranted. My apologies.
  4. This is what fascists do. They lie. And they do so preposterously. Orwell was a god damned prophet. The implication that “silencing Jewish students” was a goal of the protests is a lie. There were of course counterprotests which, although smaller, were not “silenced” or otherwise harassed by those protesting against Israel. And stating that the university upheld its values and mission statements is another absurd lie. This is the same university that, just last year, couldn’t shut the fuck up about how committed it was to free speech on campus. Self-congratulatory puffery about that supposed commitment is all over the UT website. But maybe I’m being too narrow minded. Maybe UT truly is committed to its core values, which only last week became obedience, capricious order, and selective rights. And maybe Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
  5. Good God. Kewpie dolls have come to life and they’re posting Nazi shit on Twitter!
  6. #1 - Where are you getting this understanding of women’s rights in Palestine? Are you assuming it’s the same situation there as in Saudi Arabia or Iran? Because although I’m hardly an expert, from what I can surmise based on some initial research, Palestine has been steadily progressing on women’s rights over the past few decades, enacting more liberal labor laws, harsher laws against rape, and allowing for abortions in certain circumstances #2 - Even if women were as oppressed in Palestine as you seem to assume, why should this give American women pause about protesting an invasion that is literally killing Palestinian women by the thousands? Do the oppressed not deserve life? Do the oppressors necessarily deserve death? (Be especially careful answering that last question.)
  7. If by “these assholes” you mean “DT regulars,” then I agree.
  8. War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Order is Free Speech
  9. Huh. Weird that no one can explain something that doesn’t exist.
  10. “Only people who don’t party care about injustice enough to speak out against it” is a weird fucking take.
  11. The First Amendment isn’t the only provision of the Constitution. When evaluating the circumstances under which speech is protected (and to what degree), you have to also consider other constitutional rights. That includes the Fourteenth Amendment and equal protection.
  12. Depends. Are you a recipient of federal financial assistance who has discriminated on the basis of your opposition?
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