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Posts posted by BrickHorn

  1. 7 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Use the NK "deal" as an example. He does a deal that demands nothing concrete from his opposite while he makes concessions in exchange for a commemorative coin and a lovely signed parchment. He goes in unprepared and comes away in the retard spotlight celebrating himself.

    That NK “deal” was hilariously inept.  Within two weeks after declaring he had denuclearized North Korea, the Norks were caught red-handed building nuclear testing facilities, denied ever agreeing to denuclearize in the first place, and snubbed our SoS. Art of the Deal, indeed.

    The only reason no one’s talking about that colossal blunder is because Trump immediately pivoted to getting clowned by Putin.  

    Trump is a moron and every dictator on Earth is lining up for the opportunity to humiliate him in public.  

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

    How can Trump still be President?

    He trusts Russian intelligence over any American intelligence agency. Ship him off to Russia, get a new a new President.

    Hey!  If you don’t like it, you can go back to Russia!  Which is actually a pretty reasonable country that, when you think about it, hasn’t done anything to us that the US  doesn’t also do to its adversaries.  

    • Like 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    It’s all fucking lining up. The dossier, the admission from GOP elites themselves, everything. 

    You mean the Discredited Clinton Dossier? I was assured that had been fully discredited.  Except for the parts that said “No Collusion!” and “Hillary beat Seth Rich to death with an email server,” of course.

  4. Just now, Anastasis said:

    The United States of By God America would NEVER do such a thing as interfere in a democratic election or support a coup or support a murderous dictator when it aligned with our geopolitical interests.  NEVER. 

    Whether the US interferes in other nations’ elections is entirely irrelevant to whether we should allow other countries to interfere in our own elections.  It is critical that we protect our own democracy, whether or not we are hypocritical when it comes to foreign policy.  

    And for the record, I do not believe the US should interfere in foreign elections.  

    • Like 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, ScottishHorn said:

    Right...you really missed the last administration's use of certain agencies to attack political opponents and corporations.  I mean they openly spied on journalists

    You shouldn’t oppose Nazis, because some American GIs looted from civilians.  #bothsides

  6. 6 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    Here in Georgia in in the sixth district during the runoff in the special election, a lot of voters' registration was suddenly expired because of inactivity, most of them black people. Turns out that a lot of them had been voting and therefore it should have remained active. I'm not saying Russian hackers did this because our piece of shit SoS likely has targeted voter suppression along racial lines before, but it should make everyone worry that so many of us aren't going to have anything close to a secure voting system come November.

    So I decided it’s probably a good idea to check my registration, and the Texas SOS’s site for that service is gone:


  7. 44 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I pray to God the voter rolls were not altered.   That would be disastrous for our country.  I'm hoping this newly public evidence of accessing the voter rolls is just part of the already-established Russian plot to target voters with online propaganda.  That is, that the voter roll information was used to help figure out which GOP useful idiots to target.  Which is still a terrible thing, but one that will be easier for our country to handle.  

    The thing is, there haven’t been any reports of people turned away at the voting booths.  At least I don’t recall any.  Altering voter rolls is too overt.  It would cause a huge stir, and the election could be suspended until the rolls could be verified.  

    At least, that would have happened under a legitimate administration.  But in November, with Trump in charge... 

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Unchecked capitalism is a huge problem.  It got where we are right now.  That doesn't mean communism is the answer.  Properly regulated capitalism is the answer.  What we have now is not properly regulated.

    Again, just in case somebody isn't paying attention . . . communism, even socialism . . . not the answer.

    Every 20 years or so, we seem to learn this lesson the hard way and send the Republicans scurrying back under their rocks.  The GOP is the Pennywise the Clown of political parties.

    • Like 2
  9. 36 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    GW, who had small lapses of the English language at times, is just a master orator compared to Trump.

    Do not sell him short.  Trump is a moron, but he speaks in simple terms his base can understand.  And he has the timing and cadence down.  Dude is actually very talented at speaking in a way that cons rubes into enthusiastic support for horseshit anti-American policies.  He hammers simple points home, over and over again and they eat it up.  

    They even love his over-the-top billionaire playboy heel act.   As a speaker, Trump is the grotesque love child of Ric Flair and Adolf Hitler.  He may be unsophisticated and ignorant, but he is a very, very talented conman orator.

    • Like 3
  10. 11 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Where I live, a huge chunk of our non-white population is South Asian.  They used to vote R in pretty strong numbers.  Then they figured out that Rs hate people with brown skin.  Now they're as D as it gets.  

    They went' from being not-particularly-engaged voters to being some of the most politically-engaged people I know.  They're well educated, and used to have a very "wait and see" attitude about politics.  Now, they've waited and seen, and they've become very activist.

    In my experience, South Asians tend to split in the same way whites do.  Younger voters are mostly liberal and focus on the danger Trump poses to our democracy.  Older voters mostly want free money via tax cuts and talk openly about the threat of Others (usually Muslims).

    And just like anglos, there are older South Asians who lean liberal and younger South Asians who support nationalism so long as it comes with tax cut handouts and hasn’t gotten around to scapegoating their particular group yet.

    But that whole denaturalizing task force is raising some eyebrows.  Some would-be Trump supporters in minority communities are waking up to the idea that the pied piper might just be marching them out of Hamelin for good.

  11. 1 hour ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    After his business fails, he'll be able to light and heat his house by burning printed copies of Hillary's e-mails.....

    In all seriousness, these people are OK with this now but when they miss the first bank payment, shit will get real fast.  

    “It’s about the economy, stupid.  Which is why Trump tanking the economy won’t affect my support for him.”  Checkmate, I guess?

  12. 9 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    Yep - only when it looks like the rescue mission is successful does he tweet about it. 

    There's a non-zero chance that he'll take credit for rescuing the team himself.

    “I have the best SCUBA.”

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Word on the street is that Cohen isn’t just flipping, he’s flipping hard.  Like “fuck your pardon bullshit, I’m going to be on the right side of history when this is all over.”

    Hiring Hillary’s attorney was Cohen’s way of saying to Trump, “We are done. It’s over. I’m not coming back. Do what you gotta do.”

    Again, it’s the word on the street.

    Some street in Louisiana?

  14. Hit up my favorite LP haunts today.  Got Steppenwolf and Ventures albums for $2 each. Also picked up Santana’s Abraxas, complete with a poster folded up inside the cover, for $7.

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