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Posts posted by BrickHorn

  1. 1 minute ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    You have some issues, maybe spending time here isn't the highest and best use of your time.  I tell a poser he's gonna get blasted for his views, and on cue you do it to me for telling him it will happen to him. Oh the humor.  Trumper ? Oh hell no. Anti Hillary oh hell yes.  Sorry you can't tell the difference.

    I responded to the substance of your arguments.  I did not call you names as your post predicted, until of course you acted like a fucking snowflake by interpreting a substantive rebuttal as a personal rebuke.  


    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 1
  2. 26 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    See it's already happening here >>>>>>>>

    Holy shit, you are such a whiner.  “Oh woe is me!  People are telling me the asinine ideas I express are wrong!  Can you even imagine such a cruel world?  It’s POSITIVELY ORWELLIAN I tell you!”

    Trumpers are the biggest fucking snowflakes.  

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    You'll get some strongly worded letters form the cabal.  Don't take it personally, they just think your a huge pile of shit that has no redeeming qualities in life, your mother services the entire local military base, and you're a flaming racist, but mostly because you don't agree with their Orwellian vision of America.

    Yeah, it’s the Trump opponents who are Orwellian.  Good lord.  Trump and his cronies lie with a frequency previously unseen in American politics.  They write Orwellian mottos on a daily basis.  Just last week, his administration simultaneously said he had unfettered power to pardon himself AND that he is not above the law.  But it’s those of us calling bullshit on clear logical contradictions and lies that are Orwellian? 

    Fuck you and your propaganda-enabling horseshit.  

    • Like 3
    • Fuck You 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    If anyone's wondering why I'm so upset about this is that PhD, a very well-respected poster, comes in here and shits out this thread - all while remaining relatively silent on a myriad of other disgraceful shit going on right now.

    It's the sort of behavior one would expect from tinhorn, epicqueen, or dsa; not from one of surly's leading scholars and renaissance men. You're better than this, man.

    Weathermen are “scholars” now?  We truly are living out Idiocracy at this point.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    We are two klicks away from going full Running Man.

    Plot of The Running Man below:


    In 2017, after a worldwide economic collapse, the United States has become a totalitarian police state, censoring all cultural activity. The U.S. government pacifies the populace by broadcasting game shows where convicted criminals fight for their lives, including the gladiator-style The Running Man, hosted by the ruthless Damon Killian, where "runners" attempt to evade "stalkers", armed mercenaries, around a large arena, and near-certain death for a chance to be pardoned by the state.


    More like... just zero.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Chooky said:

    Every lawyer that gets entwined with this administration ends up needing a lawyer.  "Let's hire someone suitable to our particular set of issues for legal representation and while we're on the phone let's acquire some representation for our representation."  It's like arranging a Mexican donkey show.  The donkey will definitely make a mess.  You need someone on hand to clean up after the donkey.   


    • Like 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    It is of course extremely insulting and disgraceful that the President doesn’t think he should have to prepare for his meeting with the leader of the most hostile rogue nuclear state in the world, but I honestly do believe it won’t really matter.  Trump is so uninformed and disinterested in anything substantive that his meetings can’t be anything other than useless bullshittery and maybe some off the books discussion about a side deal to enrich himself.  And if by some off chance he does do something he shouldn’t, he will just blatantly reverse himself after someone tells him how badly he fucked up, and blame it on NK.  It’s what he does.

    Nothing important is going happen, other than cringeworthy images of him gladhanding a tyrant.  He’s so ridiculous it seems he actually thinks just shooting the breeze and personally charming people are what make deals get done, so that’s all he will do.  It’s like he has an 8 year old’s conception of a businessman or President.

    Trump is Wilhelm, Jr.

  8. 21 hours ago, Sandman said:

    I work in state government and our "big boss" is appointed by the governor. This gig has some turnover and we get a new person every year or so. They don't even work in the same building, so no chance we'll ever shoot the shit. We just got a new guy and he came over to introduce himself and it's usually a case of "Hi, nice to meet you; I'll never see you again.".  No big deal.

    He came by today and was being led around. When he got to my area, I was standing there, talking to a co-worker. He gets introduced and I immediately go for the handshake. I'm a man in my mid 40s, that's just what we do.  I'm about 90% into handshake position, my arm outstretched, when I realize this guy doesn't have a right hand. It was too late to let him take the lead and offer up his left hand. I was stuck. He produced his nub (which I had to shake) and clasped his left hand around our 1.25 hands. It was so awkward. I felt bad, like maybe I embarrassed him but another male co-worker said he's probably used to it, as he's dealt with it his whole life. Still, not my finest moment.


    Yikes!  The first talk with the new boss, and you were stumped.  

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  9. 32 minutes ago, GRHorn said:


    So Trump should be judged on his actions?  I don’t think that’s going to work out the way you want it to work out, Scott.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    A few years after ESB came out, we had a decent snowfall. The kids re-enacted the hell out of the Hoth battle. Those of us who were younger were organized into soon-to-be dead rebels in snow trenches. There was much love for it. 

    I was a young kid in Chicago when Empire was released.  I spent a shit ton of winter outside in my yard, building rebel Hoth bases and trenches out of snow and ice.  It was an obsession.  

  11. 8 minutes ago, FordRules said:

    All things that Hitler is know for.  Do some more research for your comparisons.  Just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean you can compare them to Hitler, who exterminated people.  Be better

    Exactly! As everyone who has studied history knows, Hitler gained power and immediately started the Holocaust which, of course, never happened and is just a globalist myth.  


  12. 17 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    lulz, also, both lebron and steph curry said ain't neither team visiting the white house:



    They’re doing it wrong.  If you want maximum PR impact, you accept the invite, fly out there on the appointed date, check into your hotel, and then do one of two things: (1) show up to the White House, and do some sort of protest to embarrass the President (start a chant; have T-shirts with slogans; etc.). or (2) don’t show up at the White House.  

    Announcing ahead of time that you won’t accept the President’s invitation just ensures he won’t extend an invitation and no one remembers your message.  But protest at the White House or stand POTUS up with the media present, and your message goes viral. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Pods said:

    It's still amazing to me that they can even say this shit with a straight face. 

    But, don’t worry: he’s not above the law.  It’s just that Trump is completely immune from prosecution, and can commit any crime he wants with impunity.  

    Ain’t Orwellianism fun?

  14. 3 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    Don't complain about logical fallacies in the same post you are going to make an appeal to authority, man.

    Exactly.  Especially when said authority has a history of lying in the field he claims as his expertise.

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