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Posts posted by BrickHorn

  1. 28 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Also, I just read that whole article and that is terrifying.  

    Same here.  I found this enlightening:

    Buchanan’s view of human nature was distinctly dismal. Adam Smith saw human beings as self-interested and hungry for personal power and material comfort, but he also acknowledged social instincts like compassion and fairness. Buchanan, in contrast, insisted that people were primarily driven by venal self-interest. Crediting people with altruism or a desire to serve others was “romantic” fantasy: politicians and government workers were out for themselves, and so, for that matter, were teachers, doctors, and civil rights activists.  They wanted to control others and wrest away their resources: “Each person seeks mastery over a world of slaves,” he wrote in his 1975 book, The Limits of Liberty.”


    Funny how sociopathic assholes always assume everyone else is a sociopathic asshole, too.  

    • Like 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

     In fact, the new SCOTUS justice makes voting R for Senate even less important for conservatives; they now have their fifth vote for every ideological issue, 

    This is a good point, and one I’ve recently considered emphasizing.  Look, you held your nose and voted for an immoral shitbag for one reason: tilting the Court against Roe.  Mission accomplished.  Trump’s served his purpose, and the bad outweighs the good going forward.  Time to vote him out in favor of moral leadership.

    On the other hand, there has been speculation that Trump will pick a justice who won’t overturn Roe.  I wonder if that’s strategic.  Keep that carrot dangling just out of reach.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    We should invade a small Caribbean island, Nevis? St. Thomas is more likely for Trump though.

    Invade Puerto Rico.  They don’t even have electricity, so they’re sitting ducks.  

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  4. 6 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    Many people in this country are experiencing hard times precisely because Donald Trump is president.

    And many more people in this country are experiencing hard times because Ric Flair took Dusty Rhodes out.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. My great-grandmother was born to peasant pig farmers in Eastern Europe.  At 8 years old, she came to America on a boat.  Her family lived in an immigrant neighborhood the townsfolk affectionately dubbed “Shit Town.”  American families looked down on them.  Some didn’t want them here.  She did her best to fit in and profess her patriotism, to the point of overcompensation.

    Her sons were star college and pro athletes.  They went on to run small businesses and build respected careers in public education.  At least one served during WWII.  Her grandkids include CEOs, engineers, and scientists.  Her great-grandkids include lawyers, doctors, nurses, and businessmen.  

    One of those great-grandkids just posted some anti-immigrant shit to Facebook, apparently forgetting that if not for America’s openness to immigration, he’d be slogging through pig shit in Poland today. 

    God bless the USA.

    • Like 7
  6. 3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    A leaked propaganda notice from the Chinese government states that the country is using to tariffs to try to disrupt and split President Trump's base, Business Insider reported on Tuesday.

    The notice, leaked and published by the China Digital Times, which monitors media censorship in China, states the tariffs are meant to split "apart different domestic groups in US."

    "We stop negotiation for now, acting tit for tat, roll out corresponding policies, hold public opinion at a good level without escalating it, limit scope, and strike accurately and carefully, splitting apart different domestic groups in US," the propaganda notice reads.

    "The trade conflict is really a war against China's rise, to see who has the greater stamina," the document continues. "This is absolutely no time for irresolution or reticence."

    The document also directs media to not report on comments from Trump or other officials, adding that outlets shouldn't "attack Trump's vulgarity; don't make this a war of insults."

    Experts have warned that the Chinese tariffs could be used to specifically target Trump supporters, particularly with tariffs on goods like soybeans and sorghum. The crops are produced largely in areas that backed Trump in the 2016 election.

    The U.S. will hit China with $34 billion worth of tariffs on goods on July 6. China has promised to strike back with retaliatory tariffs, totaling the same amount, with some targeting agricultural goods.

    Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang told reportersTuesday that China is "fully prepared" for a trade war with the U.S., according to The Associated Press.

    The Chinese are putting sadopopulism to the test.  Hope it doesn’t backfire.

  7. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    If we could replace all of Congress with young smart pragmatic idealists on both sides, we would be light years ahead of where we are now.

    Time to throw out all the old corporatist bums and get shit done.

    I’ll settle for a simple majority with integrity and a spine.

    • Like 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Steele was the station head of MI-6 in Moscow. He is one of the most qualified people on the planet to hire to try to get intelligence on events in Russia. 

    Pfft.  If I wanted real intel on Russia, I’d hire Commodore Cosmos, Supreme Galactic Commander of Space Force.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    Exercising your first amendment right is INSURGENCY! !!!!! Up is down, black is white....

    The Left doesn’t respect the Constitution!!!

  10. 8 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    We’ll definitely see some furrowed brows. I have no confidence in any of these people doing the right thing. 

    He’s hinting at a military coup.  Not sure that wouldn’t make matters worse.  

  11. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    If I were our NATO allies, I’d be running active measures to counter Russia’s efforts and educate the US populace about what is going on.  Not sure why we haven’t seen that. Or maybe we have, and just don’t realize it.

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