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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. Hey, is that Dong Burrito? I hate that guy!
  2. That’s a good analogy, but saying that war “causes a lot of tension” is a massive understatement. More than 100,000 people died in that war and millions were displaced.
  3. Step right up, folks! Step right up! Come see The Amazing Donald! Marvel as the former President of the United States declassifies top secret documents using only the power of his mind! Witness The Amazing Donald use telekinesis to move the nation’s most closet guarded secrets into the public domain! Watch in wonder as a very special genius squanders decades of American technological and logistical advantage in the span of a few short moments! And after the show, don’t forget to reach into the Top Secret Mystery Box for a souvenir to display back home for friends, family, and curious foreign assets!
  4. If that’s the case, then couldn’t Obama have double super secret declassified Hillary’s email server in his mind?
  5. Trump was the fucking PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES for four years and didn’t expose any corruption by any politician other than himself. But now that he’s spending his days milling around a golf course and crashing banquets for an applause fix, he finally has the “power to expose corruption at the highest levels?” That’s literally the stupidest shit I’ve read all week. Fucking Aggy.
  6. *BONK* “Welp, turns out I ain’t the second comin’ of Radical Larry after all.”
  7. “Firing at police from a corn field.” The GOP’s new slogan.
  8. My response would probably be to ask him “Do you see what happens, Larry?”
  9. That anchor girl is smoking hot and obviously crazy. I think I’m in love.
  10. It could, if the answers are something like “Mar-a-Lago. Director of Sales of Highly Classified Documents.”
  11. Right. If They would start shooting Us so that We have an excuse to start shooting Them, then maybe we could prevent a civil war after all.
  12. How uncharacteristically Anastasiastic of you. Trump wasn’t just bitching into the either pre-January 6. He tweeted specific instructions to gather in DC on that date. And then he gave even more specific instructions in a speech that morning, telling the collected mass of nitwits to walk down to the Capitol and “stop the steal.” All of those instructions focused on a specific event and a specific call to action related to that event.
  13. It was. That’s why we got January 6. Trump convinced his rubes that Dems would steal the election on January 6. So they rioted and attempted to prevent certification. On the specific date where gathering in DC would put them in a position to do so. That attempt fizzled. After a failed coup, it takes time to regroup and regain the courage and outrage. So many of those dipshits didn’t actually realize what they were doing. They initially reacted with shock and even a bit of guilt. Over time, those reasonable reactions subsided and now they’re at the “we didn’t do anything wrong on January 6 except stop short of our objective” phase. The powder keg is ready for another match. No one can predict what the precise catalyst may be. But it would be something specific (a jury verdict against Trump; a disappointing election night; or god forbid, a lone wolf terror attack or assassination attempt) that ignites the mob and sends them to action. Trump generally bitching into the ether doesn’t fit the bill.
  14. I’m starting to think Hillary was onto something with that whole “basket of deplorables” comment.
  15. This continues to be the worst take by a non-right wing poster on this board. I mean, I hope you’re correct. But your view is clouded by the American 20th Century bubble of prosperity and stability, and is inconsistent with history, human nature, and recent circumstances. People don’t just fucking randomly riot. Not even people who are generally angry and disgruntled. They need a catalyst. Some event to bring them together at the same time and place. There’s a reason the insurrection happened on January 6, specifically. And it’s not surprising at all that no major populist political violence has happened since, despite rising anger and divisiveness. But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future or that potential catalyzing events like an indictment or trial of Trump or an election will trigger a new wave of violence. Dismissing the right wing as harmless because they’re fat and lazy might feel good, but you’re whistling past the graveyard.
  16. To do what? Vote? Hand out fliers? March somewhere in pink hats? Okay, yeah. Sure. But the Dems won’t be firing shots over this, and no one on the left or left-leaning media is even suggesting we’re at a point where they should even consider it (thank God). But they’re certainly talking about that shit on rightwing internets.
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