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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. Huh? Alex has been on the stand from the jump this morning.
  2. Listening this AM. Alex took to the air to refer to Judge Garcia as “Judge Goblin.” If I were on the bench, Alex would be sitting in a jail cell today.
  3. Jones and Reynal are about to get fucked in the butt by justice, Texas style.
  4. Judge is now interrogating Alex “while he’s under oath.” He’s yammering like the clownish imbecile he is.
  5. The cross is going to be GLORIOUS. Alex is up there revising history and lying about his show and history. Mark (the lead plaintiff’s lawyer) has receipts. He’s taking notes now and is going to fuck Alex up.
  6. Alex just testified that he usually takes calls or “covers up to 100 news stories” for the duration of his show. And he’s talking about his “stacks of news.” Anyone who listens to Knowledge Fight will die laughing at that. It’s a running gag that Alex habitually promises to cover “stacks” of news articles or “get to your calls” but always manages to get distracted by his own rambling rants on bullshit, and never actually takes calls or covers the news. As bad as Hitler, apparently.
  7. …over Alex’s argument that it is relevant. Yes. Alex, the witness, interjected to argue on an objection. This guy has no self-control or awareness of decorum.
  8. Shockingly, Jones is making an ass of himself on the stand.
  9. His voice is gravely, probably from all the detestable bile he spews on a daily basis.
  10. This fucking clown immediately starts bitching about the corporate media and high powered law firms then gets into an argument with the judge.
  11. Jones is taking the stand now. And. Here. We. Go.
  12. Those guys are very media / social media savvy. They’ve made several appearances on the Knowledge Fight podcast and even had the host of that podcast attend depositions. Which was genius, because he is a walking encyclopedia on Alex and his broadcast history. During the depo, he was able to point out contradictions, lies, etc. to exploit in questioning. Dude has receipts and Alex paid for it.
  13. Jesus today has been wild. While the plaintiff (father of the deceased) was on the stand, Alex took to the air to explain that the plaintiff is “slow” and “on the spectrum” and “being manipulated.” Reddit helps plaintiff’s attorneys grab the clip. It gets played while the mother of the deceased is on the stand. She’s doing a great job addressing rhetorical questions straight at Alex, which makes clear she’s been waiting for this opportunity to ask basically “Why have you done this to us? Why have you compounded our tragedy?” At one point, she asks him “Do you really think I’m an actor?” And get this: fucking dumbass Alex actually answers her. From his seat at counsel’s table. “No I don’t think you’re an actor.” The judge goes ballistic and shuts his dumb ass down immediately. Crazy.
  14. And be specific. Also, where are the alarm wires hidden in your new place?
  15. tl;dr: Alex is a dumbass.
  16. It was. Part of religious nationalism is the elevation of form over substance. The Shariah Law bogeyman was never about a devotion to secular public institutions or ensuring religious freedom. It was always about a desire to implement their own theocratic regime, which is just as oppressive and anachronistic as the other. The same mentality causes flag worship and unthinking exceptionalism. Generally speaking, humans are easily duped by superficial tribal indicators.
  17. And if you want to go back and hear some of the depos diced up with insightful and hilarious analysis, check out the Knowledge Fight podcast series of “Formulaic Objections” episodes. The hosts have been shredding Alex for years and bring their extensive knowledge of his bullshit to bear. The plaintiff’s lawyers also make occasional appearances.
  18. This has been a running problem throughout the case, and one of the reasons the judge entered a default judgment against Jones on defamation liability. Daria (the witness you discuss above) was one of Free Speech Systems’ corporate representatives. That means she was designated as a witness on behalf of the company itself and was to testify as to what the company knows. Practically speaking, that means she can’t just rely on her own personal recollection but has to study up and learn what the company collectively knows about certain relevant topics. In other words, she has to study documents the company has, talk to people at the company who know things, watch videos the company published, etc. She didn’t do that. Neither did any of the previous corporate reps (including at least one other, Rob Dew). Basically FSS didn’t do its homework and showed up to its depo completely unprepared, the judge ordered FSS to go back and study and do it over again, it again didn’t prepare, yadda yadda… The judge finally had enough of that shit (and other discovery shenanigans) and ruled against those idiots by default.
  19. Not sure whether to believe this reasonable view or the bad faith Facebook meme-speak routine of the resident Russian troll.
  20. She’s been really bad. Let an England take a throw-in 20 feet past the midfield line, after the ball went out a few feet behind it. Then just stared at a German player leg lock an opponent with no card. Incompetent performance by the officials in this one.
  21. Damn. Great run and finish.
  22. Never mind. Only took a running elbow to the head.
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