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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. The plaintiffs might have learned a lesson from the first closing. They let Reynal get away with a bunch of horseshit and it probably burned them.
  2. Appellate lawyers are a different breed, man. Some of us became lawyers because we argue all the time anyway, or because we are good at writing, or because we like money and aren’t qualified to do anything else. But appellate lawyers actually enjoy law. As in: they geek out over cases and opinions and statutes and shit. They like reading about law. They like thinking about it. They like talking about it, even in social settings. Makes me fucking sick.
  3. I wasn’t able to watch the entire trial; mainly caught it in bits and pieces. So it’s possible they did that at some point. But I caught most of the closings and did not come away with a strong, concrete understanding of the plaintiffs’ damages theory. (Again, it’s possible I was distracted when / if they addressed this.) My take is that Bankston and crew spent too much time earning Internet points with gotchas and didn’t tie it all together to show that, not only is Alex a dunce and a jerk, but he actually hurt these two people by a measurable amount in specific, relatable ways. Oh and he’s never going to stop unless y’all really bankrupt him.
  4. If he does that in Connecticut, the judge there should instruct the jury that it is not true and that the REAL amount that would ruin Mr. Jones is $200 million.
  5. Pretty sure Texas limits punitives to 2x compensatory or thereabouts. But I’m just a fancy big city lawyer, so don’t quote me on that.
  6. I’m not surprised. As effective as the plaintiffs’ lawyers were at making Alex look stupid and reckless, they did not do a great job at proving the extent to which Alex’s behavior harmed their clients. I had a hard time following their damages theme, frankly.
  7. One complication to consider is that Jones has hired and fired a string of lawyers in this case. Pretty sure Reynal was not the one stonewalling on discovery. That said, Robert Barnes might have been involved in that and someone on Twitter implied that Barnes was the bonehead who uploaded all that crap to a share drive.
  8. For accidentally producing discoverable information? For inadvertently correcting his client’s contempt of court?
  9. I’m not thrilled with the plaintiff’s closing. The themes were not very tight. I would like them to have explained that Jones hurt these people by smearing them, damaging their reputation, causing a sizable portion of the American public to believe they were liars at best and witting accomplices in some tyrannical conspiracy at worst. I wasn’t fully tuned in but it seemed like they just kind of relied in the idea that Jones said mean things that hurt their feelings. Which lent power to Reynal’s otherwise unimportant point that the parents did not even listen to Jones’s show.
  10. “First they came for the boner pills pitchmen…”
  11. I wonder if this is why he reportedly hauled ass out of the courthouse today. Maybe Jones was rushing to call his criminal defense attorneys.
  12. The Court gave Alex plenty of rope.
  13. $70 million in revenue last year. That could give the jury a concrete hook to set damages.
  14. She’s letting him monologue on his “kangaroo court” theme. I’m not a fan of that.
  15. tl;dr: people who don’t know anything.
  16. If I were the plaintiff’s attorney, I would contrast Jones’s crocodile tears and empty promises to do better with his broadcasts DURING THE TRIAL in which he belligerently insulted and spread baseless conspiracy theories about the plaintiffs, the judge, and the jury. Do you really believe he won’t do this to some poor parents again? He did it to these parents just this week. And he did it to YOU.
  17. They’re not deciding liability, just amount. So the jury will likely haggle and come up with some number that falls between whatever the two extremes are.
  18. The idea that Jones provides ANY training to his employees or could ever provide “better” training is laughable. That question is a bad sign. The jury doesn’t understand what an unprofessional clusterfuck of reckless incompetence and greed InfoWars is.
  19. Gish Gallop. Standard lying conman tactic.
  20. As an aside, waddling off the stand in his blue shirt, Alex looks like he just ate a stick of gum in the Willy Wonka factory.
  21. Mark is happy. Quick break and then jury questions for Jones. (Which would be a great band name, btw.)
  22. Yes. Go to YouTube and search “459th district court.”
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