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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. I could go with 20 different tracks from these guys, but this one is my favorite:
  2. Holy Jesus fuckballs. The topic is best guitar-driven songs and the first three entries are Steely Dan, The Eagles, and Pink Floyd?!? Did I accidentally stumble into musicforpussies.org?
  3. BrickHorn


    Before that post, I stayed out of the ztejas-WhatTheBuck wars. But I no longer have the luxury of neutrality. Your opinion sucks.
  4. BrickHorn


    You could have just rated his post “adequate” and left it at that.
  5. I’m surprised these assholes still acknowledge that slavery was involuntary. The people who run our state aren’t just dumb. They’re dishonest, defensive, and shameless. And of course, they are dumb, too. Very, very dumb. I used to be proud to be a Texan. Now I’m disgusted and ashamed. When people ask where I’m from, I lie or change the subject or say something like “Texas, unfortunately.” Fuck the angry, selfish dummies who ruined Texas.
  6. BrickHorn

    Led Zeppelin

    Battle of Evermore is great. The only Led Zep song I never ever fail to skip is Thank You.
  7. BrickHorn


    Pluto had the whole series on demand for a while, but I think it’s just a couple of later seasons now. I finally broke down and bought the first two seasons on Prime.
  8. “Dumbass Shit We See on The Jeffrey Epstein Thread.”
  9. BrickHorn

    The Boys

    That was a great episode.
  10. 2022: Americans are fleeing to Germany to escape fascism.
  11. You joining one of those Soros migrant caravans?
  12. Where do you recommend in Spain and what kind of housing can you get for the minimum 500,000 Euro investment?
  13. I should clarify: I’m only counting live action stuff. So Clone Wars, Rebels and any other cartoons, novels, comic books, etc. are not part of that opinion. I’ve only seen a handful of episodes of the animated series. So there are the PT (crap), ST (somehow even crappier crap), Rogue One (good), Solo (meh), Mandalorian (good), Kenobi (crap), and Boba Fett (can’t judge since I have yet to watch it). Am I missing anything?
  14. My post does not support that point at all. Your point, as you’ve expressed it multiple times on this thread, is that Star Wars fans bitch about Star Wars but do not enjoy it. My retort is: that’s not accurate. Fans like me (and others on this thread) enjoy many Star Wars installments. Some of us practically revere them. But we also recognize that some Star Wars stuff (starting, frankly, with the Holiday Special) sucks and waters down the brand. We recognize that there’s no requirement to ignore the flaws in some Star Wars content just because we really enjoy other Star Wars content. I’m only a fan of Star Wars to the extent it’s good Star Wars. If it sucks, I’m not a fan of it. There’s plenty of both categories out there now.
  15. Keep telling yourself that, but it’s not true. I love the original trilogy. I grew up obsessed with Star Wars and still have all of my old SW toys in boxes. They’re beat to shit because I spent my childhood waging battles between the Empire and the Rebels on the living room floor. I enjoyed the Thrawn novels (read them as they released). I enjoyed the Dark Empire comics. I liked Rogue One and enjoy The Mandalorian. I introduced my kids to Star Wars at an early age. I bought my son all the Star Wars toys we could find for Christmases and birthdays. We took him to Disney and got him a spot in the Jedi Academy show when he was like 5 or 6. We rode Star Tours like 5 times. I love Star Wars. The OT is not flawless, but its flaws are minor and don’t interfere with the narrative. And some of the stuff outside of the OT is pretty good too But most of the Star Wars material since the OT is trash. And it’s okay to point that out and be discerning. If anything, calling out Disney for their bullshit is more respectful to the series.
  16. “How can you possibly know anything about someone you haven’t met?” Jesus Christ. Leia’s recorded message in Star Wars indicates that she had only heard of Obi-Wan through her father. But now the idea of lore handed down from one generation to the next is impossible and we can’t understand Leia’s highly formal plea to a stranger, emphasizing their common acquaintances, without seeing that she actually met him and bonded with him 10 years prior? Some of y’all are way too willing to warp reality in order to rationalize shitty narrative writing just because it relates to the same fictional universe as a cherished film trilogy. This was a bad series that was ill conceived, poorly written, and (for the most part) terribly executed.
  17. Light saber duel was fucking awesome. Everything else was stupid. Obi-Wan just walked off and left Vader alive… again?!? At least make it seem like he’s not a fucking dumbass and that he actually tried to fix his past mistakes, but was prevented from doing so by Imperial troops or the Emperor or some shit. The dialogue was dumb as hell. Obi-Wan runs up as Owen and Beru are staring off into the desert, shouting “Luke! Luke! Where are you?” and he asks them “WHERE IS HE?!?” Who the fuck wrote this tripe? It’s just lazy, bad stuff. (The kids and I had a blast MST3K riffing it, though.) We got some great Vader action and a badass duel or two. But this series was fanfic through and through, complete with sloppy discontinuities, ham-handed fan service, and lazy dumb dialogue.
  18. You are undeniably consistent in your bothsideserism.
  19. I’m a cheap bastard who has worked big law gigs for a long time and fended off every attempt by the wife to buy a bigger house, lease a fancy car, install a pool, etc. along the way. With each passing day, it gets more and more tempting to call it quits, sell our house, move out of the US, and ride our savings down while figuring out some way to make a bit of money doing something else for a living. I mean, fuck it: I’ll wash dishes or dig ditches. I don’t give a shit. Just so long as I’m not living in an emerging fascist hellscape. Of course, I also think “If we can just hang on X more years, we can stash another $Y away…” Anyway, my wife and I were just talking about this today and how we need to come up with a real bug out plan. It feels inevitable that we will exit the state at some point, and very likely that we’ll completely bail on the US.
  20. “I spent all day hoeing.” ~ Steve King (R)
  21. BrickHorn

    The Boys

    I view that stuff as establishing how debauched the supes (and the society that worships them) are. It’s gross but important, because it actually sinks in when you see it. The massive imbalance between outsize physical power and underdeveloped intellects and consciences results in absurd violence. Innocent people get crushed under the boots of reckless giants who suffer no consequences for (and typical pay no kind to) their atrocities. But it also serves as gore porn for the peanut gallery, who miss the nuances but watch the show for the shock value.
  22. The real murderers of Jesus are all the friends we made along the way.
  23. <Debbie Downer>A conviction would only make matters worse at this point. We’re long past the point where the right wing cancer can be pruned by carving out Trump. It has metastasized well beyond him and a conviction would only make him a martyr for a much broader, more confident, more unhinged movement.</Debbie Downer>
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